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Back in high school I went tanning like every week and spent countless hours baking in the sun come summer time. All because I wanted to have the sun kissed look year round. I learned all about skin cancer in junior high and was also aware that sun tanning would cause wrinkles sooner than I would like, I was extremely smart.
I remember just thinking, it's not a big deal, of course I wouldn't get skin cancer, and WRINKLES? pfff, I'm sure there will be some miracle treatment when I get older.
Well, the reality is, YES, there are a TON of miracle treatments, or so they say, that cost a FORTUNE!!! Not to mention EXTREMELY painful! I've had multiple laser treatments on my face, trying to turn back time and erase all the damage caused by the sun. AND now that I'm pushing 30, I'm noticing fine lines that are beginning to form around my mouth and forehead. NOT happy about this but it's my own dang fault. Now I'm just caking on the SPF hoping to prevent any further damage.
Botox is always an option, but not so sure I want to venture down that road.......yet.

So, I've been forced to use the alternative tanning method. SPRAY TAN!!!
I've tried so many different sunless tanners and have found that the self tanning products have come a long way since I first started using them about 8 years ago. We all remember the beautiful orange color those earlier products left behind.

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Need I say more???
Today I'd like to share with you a few different options to get the more natural SUN KISSED look. Remember, LESS IS MORE :)
Option number one: Getting an air brush tan, having someone actually spray on high quality self tanner. This is probably the best way to go, to get the most even looking tan, but of course can be time consuming as well as expensive. Like I mentioned in last weeks post, my friend Jessica is offering airbrush tans for only $18. Just click on her name to contact her on facebook, or email me if you'd like her number to make an appt.

- Option number two: Going to the tanning salon and having a machine spray you down. This is a great option, very quick, but can also be expensive, up to $30 per visit. Golden Tan is now offering a great deal on their Versa Spa spray tans, $80 a month for unlimited spray tanning. I know, it's still kind of expensive, but if you want to maintain this kind of tan, you'll want to go in about every 6 or 7 days.
■ Fast: Get tan in 2 minutes■ Comfortable: Heated spray makes for a comfortable experience, with warm air blow-dry after every treatment.■ Mist-free: EZ-2BREATH technology makes for a completely mist-free treatment.

- Option number three: Do it yourself. I have been using this SalonBronze at home air brush tanning. It works pretty well, just can be a little tricky trying to apply it yourself. It's also very messy. So the best way to apply would be in the shower, and have someone else spray it on so you can get it even. Don't spray too close, and use a blow dryer immediately afterwards to dry. You can find it for $25 on Amazon (click on name above), or you can get it at Sally's Beauty Supply.

- Option number four: Tantowels I have found these to be VERY easy to use costing about $1.50 per towel. Just wear rubber gloves to keep your hands from turning brown. Applying the self tanner with the towel just seems to work very well because it's just like rubbing a thick wet wipe all over your body making it easy to prevent any streaks.

- Option number five: Last but not least, if you break out easily, you'll want to use Taunt and Tan. I get it from my esthetician, it's oil free, specifically made for acne prone skin. Price $38.95, but lasts FOREVER!

Now if we could just make all this self tanner SMELL better then we'd be set :)
Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!! One more week for your chance to win the white purse.