You've got to spice things up to maintain the passion.
I've been diligently working on a new 4 week work out program as part of the 52 Weeks of Balance Project. You can add these pages into your Wanna Be Balanced Planner.
This program is all about mixing things up to prevent boredom and to keep your body guessing which is ideal for maximum results.
Are you at the point where you feel like nothing's working for you? No matter what you do, that muffin top remains. I hear ya girl friends. It's called, LIFE AFTER KIDS.
Don't give up hope though, there is a way. I'm going to share exactly what I do to keep my weight in check. Although I won't exactly be joining in now that I'm with child. I'll be there cheering you on while stuffing my face with carbs on top of carbs, yum :) Now's my chance to eat what I want right? I'm trying not to go over board because I tend to think I'm literally eating for two. We like to say that don't we, but we all know it only takes an extra 300 calories to keep that baby growing healthy and strong.
I'm eating for two and I don't care what you say!!!
These four week's we'll be incorporating MIND BODY and SOUL to keep us feeling energized and balanced as we get our bodies back to where they were meant to be.
It's no secret that diet plays a major role in getting the kinds of results you're looking for. So for the next 4 weeks, try replacing breakfast with an Isagenix meal replacement shake, for lunch, you should eat a 400-600 calorie meal (use google for ideas), and for dinner have a small portion of what ever you're making for the family. I don't think it's necessary to eat perfectly ALL day. Enjoy a nice yummy meal with your family, just don't over do it. Try using a smaller plate to trick your mind into thinking you've got a full plate.
Here's week one!
Click HERE to print.
Just so you know, I'm fully qualified to give you fitness advice. Seriously, I used to be an aerobics instructor ya know...
Well, not legally, but I was.
Let me just tell you that story real quick.
I was about 20 years old, living in Hawaii with my mom. We were living in a small town called Hilo, population- 40,000. Fitness has always been a major priority in my life. I'm not one to work out more than 30-40 min. on average, but I do make it a part of my daily routine. So anyway, I found the nearest gym and first thing I thought was, I wonder if I could get a job here and get a free membership.
So I asked the person at the front desk (which just so happened to be the owner) if they were hiring. It went a little like this...
Owner: Well yes we are, but we need an aerobics instructor, can you teach aerobics?
Me: Um yah... I mean, I'm not certified or anything, but I've been to enough aerobics classes to know how to teach one.
Owner: Okay, come in tomorrow and show us your routine.
Me: Uh, okay... ya... um, sure sure I can do that. Great, thanks... see you tomorrow.
I walked away thinking, WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST DO?
I was excited but felt major pressure to come up with a good routine. I worked all night on it, wrote it down and practiced it over and over.
I came back the next day for the "audition" I guess you'd call it. Did my routine in front of all the other instructors and was totally embarrassed because I really had know idea what I was doing.
Well, I got the job and taught my class 3 times a week for 4 months (then I left on my mission). Is there anything better than getting paid to work out?
Um no...
Someday I'll tell you about when I was an aerobics instructor on my MISSION. Yes, I'm being serious, but I'll have to save that story for another day.