
Healthy Snack!

I recently learned about these tasty healthy snack alternatives. They are soooo yummy, even my kids love them!
I'm a big fan of making healthier choices when ever possible, especially when it comes to snacks for my kids. They are still growing and their brains are still developing, and I would hate to do anything to hinder that. Not that I'm perfect and never feed my kids McDonalds or candy. All I'm saying is that I'm trying :) So when I came across these I was pretty excited because they taste so great. I love that they use sea salt. I've been trying to use sea salt when ever possible ever since I learned about the affects regular salt can have on your skin. I did a post about this a while back.

The information below is taken from their website:

It’s time to throw out the junk food and start making smart snacking decisions! popchips are the all-natural chip like you’ve never tasted before, with all the flavor and less than half the fat of fried chips.

If you’re looking for a healthier snack for kids, popchips is your go to snack.  Take them along in all outdoor activities, pack them in lunches, and feel healthy while indulging. 

product overview
popchips are an all-natural chip like you’ve never tasted before. never fried (unhealthy). never baked (undelicious). popchips start with wholesome potatoes, we add a little heat and pressure, and pop! it’s a chip. the only thing added is a flavorful blend of seasonings for a snack so crispy and delicious, you won’t even notice it’s (we hesitate to say) healthier. thanks to the magic of popping, popchips have all the flavor and less than half the fat of fried chips.

Just pop over to Whole Foods,
Safeway, Jamba Juice, Target
and other fine retailers.


Charlene said...

I've never seen these - will keep my eyes out for them now. Thanks!

Unknown said...

thank you for posting this!
we have recently (the last few months) gone vegetarian and somewhat vegan!

i have found other healthy, non-gmo chips...these look good too.
i guess i should run to target for the 8th time in3 days! ha!

He & Me + 3 said...

those sound really good and the varieties are very good too.

Jenn Erickson said...

Great one Crystal! My family is a huge fan of Popchips! We were so happy to find that our local Costco is now carrying them. We're so lucky to have so many healthy alternatives these days! Jenn

Sarah said...

I don't think I've seen these yet. I'll have to try them out on the husband and kids. They sound good.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing about this. I'm going to try it. I have recently made a goal for myself and my family to eat healthier, exercise better, and all around take better care of ourselves.

Leslie said...

They sound good! I will for sure have to try them! thanks for sharing that info!!!

Adrienne said...

I seen these at whole foods but did not try them I will have to now

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Love it when we can trick our kids into thinking they're actually getting away with something!

Debbie said...

Yum! These are new to me and sound delicious. Thanks!

Karen At Home Blog said...

I finally made your Chicken and Cheese turnovers and posted the recipe on my blog. Thank you for suggesting something so yummy!!!

Andrea said...

I have had those before! They are soooo good!

Sharina said...

I just discovered these a few weeks ago at Target...they were giving samples away, and me and the kids love them!

Thank you for following me, I am glad I came by because I love your blog as well :)

Enjoy your weekend!

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