
The Rain Came Down and the Floods Came Up~ Wordless Wednesday

A couple weeks ago we had a crazy rain storm hit. These are pictures of our backyard.

I always wanted a pool!!!

Our basement flooded as a result of this, so we were lucky to get our own INDOOR pool as well. Gosh we're lucky!

Play along at Live and Love Out Loud


Kristina P. said...

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, Crystal! Maybe you can hold ward baptisms there!

Verena said...

Crystal, you are so lucky to have a pool now! ;)
How crazy! I hope the water is gone and hopefully your house is okay!

Heather said...

That is what I call a flooded yard! We're bracing for a hurricane here in VA, so I might have the same!

jules said...

Oh no.....I sure hope it didn't do much damage inside.

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Oh, I hope you are doing well and the damage was not too bad.


Elena said...

Oh my! I hope it didn't do too much damage! I still think your house is the coolest ever with its pool converted storage place.

Erin said...

Crystal I jut love your sense of humor!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your outdoor (& indoor) pool! lol love the pics!

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh, what a mess, sounds like you have a great attitude about it all though. Hope the clean up isn't too awful!

Unknown said...

Wow that's crazy! My backyard does the same thing when it rains a lot. Sorry to hear your basement was flooded.

Em said...

oh no! That's awful! Sorry to hear. Gosh, if you need help cleaning up, we will totally come help. Only about 35 minute drive.

Mammatalk said...

Hope it all worked out. Flooding can be a pain!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Oh, no! I hope you are drying out!

Adrienne said...

That is a sweet pool ..Labor Day party at your place ??
J/K I hope everything gets dry and all nice again soon

Simply Mel said...

Wow! That is a lot of rain - hope there won't be anymore crazy storms!

Thanks for the visit and follow!

Carrie said...

CRAP. Is everything ok? Need a GNO next week? Check! :) I left you a message today. Just wanted to say howdy.

The Random Blogette said...

That is so horrible Crystal. I am so sorry! I hope that it didn't take too much to get everything back to normal. Hopefully nothing important was ruined in the flooding!

nmaha said...

I love your positive outlook on things. Hope you guys didn't have too much backbreaking work and could enjoy your pool.

KittyCat said...

Damn that sucks. In the photo, i really thought you had a pool in back.
too freakin funny.

Love your profile pic.
Thanks for stopping by. :)

Salt said...

Ohmygosh!!! What a mess! I hope the clean up doesn't take too long. At least you have a wonderful sense of humor about the whole thing. :)

Young Wife said...

Wow! That's a lot of rain! Was there any permanent damage?

Claudya Martinez said...

Oh no! So sorry. Pools are nice, but not when they aren't planned.

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

OH MY GOSH! that is crazy! I was just reminiscing about when that happened at my house when I was a kid, The sewers backed up so it was nasty water. My parents were in there trying to rescue stuff and I came marching down the steps in my swim suit and rain boots so excited about having a swimming pool in our house, when I got yelled at to stay out of it! I was so sad! lol

jmt said...

Don't you just hate water in the basement? So irritating. And messy. And gross. Just makes you feel...icky. But got a pool out of the deal!

Unknown said...

oh sorry, thats sucks. The rain has been in sane I thought for sure we would have flooding too. Hope your insurance kicked in and covered it all I have heard alot of horror stories lately about them not covering much. Good luck!

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