
Garden Fresh

About 6 months ago Sean and I watched the movie Food Inc. If you have not yet seen it then I HIGHLY recommend you taking the time to watch it.  I seriously could not believe some of the things I learned about the food we're all eating. This movie will make you think twice about what you're putting into your mouth. After watching it we were inspired to start our own garden.

This year is my very first gardening attempt. I've never been one to grow my own produce, let alone keep a  simple house plant alive. So I wasn't too optimistic about being able to grow something I could actually eat.

I was pleasantly surprised when I started seeing little green spuds popping up, then turning into this!

The book Square Foot Gardening has been my little guide and has converted me to true gardening.  I would even dare say I've developed a "green thumb" :)


SandGs Mom said...

so proud of ya girl. I'm reading the book finally but have been on a movement just having heard things about the movie and book starting last March/April.

Kristina P. said...

Wow, you did a great job! I kill anything I look at. In fact, all of your plants will probably die, now that I viewed the pictures.

He & Me + 3 said...

isn't gardening fun? I have really enjoyed my first garden this year.
You are doing great!

Ange said...

Wow - way to "grow"!!
We also started a garden this summer but our weather has been so dreadfully hot that it didn't produce quite as well!
I love Food Inc and have recommended it to so many of my friends that are curious about a Vegan diet.

NatureGirl said...

Great job!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

We have been so enjoying eating things full of things from our garden. Doesn't get much better than that!

Ann said...

Your garden is amazing! Can you tell us more about your garden space? It looks great. Did you guys design and build it yourself? We are thinking of doing this and I would love to see more pics of your creation.

Anonymous said...

You are my inspiration girl! I so want to eat healthier and have a healthier body. Have you ever heard of Natalia Rose? I saw a book by her at the library and am reading it. It's really interesting. It's about detoxing/cleansing our bodies plus so much more...

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is an awesome garden!!

FourJedis said...

You did a really great job on your garden! I had one, but lost momentum. Got a few good things out of it just in time. Food, Inc. is great. I'm not a huge meat eater, but I now only buy grass fed and free range from our local farms who offer it. I found a farm who delivers my order monthly and it tastes so much better and I can feel good about what my family is eating! :)

Truthful Mommy said...

love it! I am your newest follower via the friend hop. Loved your post on the Purseblogger! Hope you can stop by and say hi.

Kimi said...

Gardening is HARD! So I'm giving you a big WOOT WOOT! All I can manage is to kill things. I honestly do have trouble keeping houseplants alive. I just got some new ones and so far they have lived a month. It is monumental for me. said...

wow, looks yummy! love the name of your blog - following you back from Acting Balanced

Andrea said...

Way to go Crystal! I did some reading, and found a lot of crazy info about the food we eat as well. It's no wonder so many people have cancer. Anyway, is that a zucchini? I'd say you do have a green thumb!

Verena said...

Your are really doing great!!! I started with gardening 5 years ago since we have our house. It´s kind of hard always to take care of it, but I just love all the fruits and vegetables we have.

CK said...

WOW!!! Looks absolutely fantastic!!!

Ms. Understood said...

It all looks great!!! I would love to start a garden by my back yard is tiny. :( That zucchini is HUGE!!!!

Carrie said...

Unfortnately I have a black thumb in gardening. Those look delicious. I would totally bite into them without washing them knowing they were from YOUR garden. :) hee hee

Simply Mel said...

That's fantastic! We're careful of what we eat too. Hopefully, we'll grow a vegetable garden next year. Yours looks amazing.

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

That is fantastic! I can't wait to start a garden when we get into a house...I'll have to get some pointers from you since I can't keep my potted flowers alive.
We watched Food Inc too and were totally shocked as well! My husband didn't want to watch it at first but now he talks about it all the time! I actually mentioned it in my blog post today on Nutrition!

melonbelly said...

WOW! I really want to start a garden next year, but was afraid my black thumb might be a problem. Hoping I can develop a "gray-ish" one by next spring!

Come on over and visit me and my "Be a Better Parent Challenge"!

Stephanie said...

Your garden turned out so much better then mine! We ended up with 2 pumplins and a lot of hot HOT peppers.

Adrienne said...

Garden looked awesome as for the video and the food industry well I will save that for another day ...

jmt said...

I always envy (a little) people who have the time, patience, and dedication to garden. My dad has really taken to it over the past ten years or so, growing tomatoes, peppers, and a few other things. I just can't bring myself to make anything lawn or garden related a priority. I can barely keep up with laundry and dishes, so gardening doesn't make the list. At least not yet. Let the kids move out and we'll talk. :) It looks like you've definitely got a knack for it though.

Mindy said...

Can't wait to see this movie. Your garden looks great and I am excited to start ours next year.

Amy said...

Your garden looks beautiful, and yummy! This is the first year in a while that I didn't do a garden. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I think I left a little comment in your post above too, but I wanted to say I was excited to see you served a mission. I served in the Little Rock mission; guessing from how long you've been married we probably served around the same time.
I look forward to reading more on your blog!

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