
Meeting Fellow Bloggers

Last week I had the opportunity to meet all these lovely ladies. I cannot even begin to describe how much fun I had. When I first got there I had no idea who I was supposed to be looking for, wandered around Cafe Rio feeling like the biggest dork, thinking to myself, how in the HECK am I supposed to know where they are? I don't even know WHO I'm looking for!  I've never met any of these ladies in person and most of them I didn't even know about until that night. Boy am I glad I know about them now. I think meeting a blogger in person makes you feel an even greater desire to read about them on their blog. Something so incredible about each and every one of these women.
We got our food, and sat there for hours laughing our heads off. It was amazing the connection between all of us. It was as though we'd known each other for years, all talking so openly and LOUDLY might I add. We talked about everything under the sun.

Top Row: Me, Ky Ann @Sanity is Overrated, Melissa @Glamazon, Kellie @The Hendricks Family, Laura @The Purse Blogger, Tylaine  @Just Me
Bottom Row:  Kate @Smug Marrieds and Mindi @Mindi's Manic Meanderings

If any of you are located in Utah, then please email me and let me know so that I can invite you to our next Bloggers GNO. Here's my email address:

Oh and the winner of the $50 Visa Gift Card is
Chic Mama @In Lovely Heels

Congratulations!!!!!!!! And thank you everyone who participated, we really appreciated all your votes and support!


scrapwordsmom said...

Hey, Crystal!! I haven't been here in forever but follow you on FB so keep up to date there. This is soooo fun that you met these women!! And Cafe Rio? Well that is just a bonus;)

Just wanted to say Hey...and that I do still think about you!!!
And read!!!


Anonymous said...

I had an absolute blast Crystal! I'm so glad we could do that. I felt so comfortable with all of you. We really did have a great connection. I can't wait til we meet again!

Kristina P. said...

I so wish I could have been there! Funny enough, I don't know any of these bloggers, and I have met a TON of local bloggers. Must be different blogging circles!

mintifresh said...

It's funny cuz Kristina above seems to comment on every blog I read but somehow we have never personally connected..I may need to make that happen cuz she has great taste! :)

We were sooo loud! It was aweswome!

adrienzgirl said...

I did the same thing over the weekend. One of my bloggy BFF's came to visit and it was my first URL to IRL adventure. BLAST of the century!

Carrie said...

So sad I missed it. Sometimes that mom thing really gets in the way. haha Next time I'll be there with bell on.

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

I am so happy you met them. I will love to meet some of my fellow bloggers one day. Hopefully it will be next year :)

Verena said...

How exciting! Why am I not living in Utah??? :(
Would have loved meeting you girls, too! I am glad you all had a fun time.
And congratulation to CHIC MAMA for winning the 50$!

Darcie said...

How wonderful for ALL of you! It's pretty special what blogging brings to our lives... friendship that would have otherwise never existed.

He & Me + 3 said...

i got to meet a group of bloggers too a few summers ago. It was the best. Glad you had so much fun.

Liz said...

i'm finally starting to find bloggers in my area; i'd love a meetup like this!

Helene said...

I'm so envious!!!! Looks like you all had a great time (I'm also jealous that you got to meet Laura in person...she seems like such a sweet lady on her blog, I can only imagine how much more wonderful she is in person!)

I really should've gone to the BBC in SFO back in August. But I'm not good with big crowds...I get all tongue-tied and make a fool of myself. But maybe next year I'll finally get the guts to actually attend one of these seems like everyone who's been to one has nothing but great things to say!

Slamdunk said...

That is neat that you all got together.

Congrats to your winner.

Jenny Livingston said...

I just stumbled on your blog today, and I honestly don't know how I ended up here, but I'm certainly glad I did! I think I've developed a bit of a girl-crush. (Hopefully that doesn't freak you out TOO much.) I'll definitely be following your blog from here on out!

And now... to check out your buddies blogs...

Tylaine said...

It was a blast wasn't it. I know I'm so quiet in a group but it was so much fun just listening to all of you. You guys are hillarious! It was so awesome to meet you Crystal and I can't wait to do it again!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

That seems like so much fun!!!

Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

Congrats to chic mama for winning the $50! :)

That is so great that you were all able to get together. What a fun time it sounds like you all had. :) I'm hoping to do something similar in the Orlando area. I know of 2 other bloggers in my area and I'm going to see if I can do the same.

Knowing someone in personal only adds to what you already know of them from their blog.

Have a great week Crystal!

Unknown said...

I haven't been blog hopping in SO long since my father's illness, so I apologize for taking so long to check out your posts! I really appreciate all of your sweet comments on my random blogs lately. Sounds like you had a wonderful meetup - I would love to do that one day!

Mayra said...

Yay again!! Thanks Crystal!

That must've been a lot of fun! It's great to meet bloggers you connected with online and then finally getting to meet them in person and making the whole connection! =)

I wish I knew more bloggers from Chicago, too bad I'm not in Utah. =(

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

I'm so jealous it looks like you guys had blast and oh howimiss you cafe rio

Leslie said...

Looks like you all had a great time!!! I wish I could have been there!!!! P L E A S E let me know if and when you have another!!!!! :) everyone there looks like a great group of women!! :)

Carma Sez said...

Fun stuff!! I've yet to meet a blogger in real life...

Unknown said...

Oh that would be SO much fun to meet other bloggers! Looks like a great group! Oh, and congrats on being the SITS girl in the spotlight :)

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