
New Project!

Okay girls, I've got a new project brewin and I'm really excited to get to share it with you. Over the past few months I've been on a search for the COMPLETE BALANCED SCHEDULE. What I mean is, I've been trying to find a blog or website that offers some kind of a schedule that includes everything I need to do to stay balanced, hah, I know crazy right?  If there was a blueprint on this I think I'd be the first to snatch it up :)  I understand that each person is so different and making a universal schedule may not be realistic, but I am going to try anyway. I know it's important to allow ourselves to be spontaneous too and not always feel like you have to stick to a schedule, so don't take this so literal.  My goal is to create a guide to help me, and other OCD moms out there :),  fulfill all important aspects of life as a mom.  Like I've said before, finding balance is a never ending process. There will always be times when you fall off the wagon, and thats okay, it's all part of the plan.  I figured I can make a weekly schedule to share and you can modify it to fit your life.  I plan to put together 52 PRINTABLE weekly schedules, which will include a variety of different things like, activity ideas to do with your kids (fitting ages 2-8), as well as meal plans (with grocery list), exercise routine, tackling house projects, ect.  I'm sorry if you think I'm crazy and obsessed with schedules,  truth is...  I am, but I like it that way. My brain just works much better on written out schedules and lists, you all should know this by now. I find great motivation in having my week planned out,  gets me all excited about each day.
 Am I the only one that feels like this?
I've got the meal plan and activities just about ready. So stay tuned, I plan to post it for you tomorrow.


Amanda said...

Crystal... you have me excited about this! REALLY excited! Can't wait to see what you come up with. And if you need any help let me know :)

Daisygirl said...

Oh I have to write everything down! I find when it is written down it makes it more permanent....when its staring you in the face it happens!

Erin said...

looking forward it!

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

I am SO excited about this!!!!!

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

I have been asking Hubby to help me do a meal plan without success, hopefully your ideas will help me get one.

I am looking forward to that.


Charlene said...

This is SO right up my alley - you have no idea! I am currently using Outlook for everything. I even got rid of my paper to-do list (right after I posted about it - DOH!)

FourJedis said...

First off, congrats on being the featured SITS girl! How exciting.

I totally hear ya on being scheduled. I had to travel last week for 2 days for work, and it threw off my schedule and took about 5 days to get back on schedule. But we're back on and in full force and mentally I'm feeling great. One thing about the schedule that I have learned the hard way - make sure you schedule down time! Having a jam-packed schedule with no down time is just as tough mentally as not having a schedule at all. But you'll do great. I can't wait to read about it!

Carrie said...

Yay you are featured on SITS again!!! You are quite the famous mama!!! So...I'm stoked you are going to reveal the secret to life. Thanks! :)

mormonhermitmom said...

I'm interested to see what you work out. Just remember: a)not all mamas are in the same season of life as you b)the "universals" are incredibly boring c)life has a way of upsetting schedules.

But I'm sure you've already factored that into your contingency plans. Go! Fight! Win! :)

Kristina P. said...

I think this sounds like such an awesome idea.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

well, I do think you are nuts, but in a good way...! Someone has to be organized for the rest of us!

jules said...

Oh my goodness. I love this. I can't wait to snatch it up.

Nicole @MTDLBlog said...

This sounds like a fabulous idea! Can't wait to see what you come up with! I'm a mom of multiples so I REALLY need to maintain some organization if I plan to succeed at balance. Stopping by from SITS. I'm a new follower for sure!

Donna said...

Your blog is really stylish! I love being on a nice looking blog with beautiful things to look at and interesting things to read. This is why I'm going to have to follow you, not just becaue you at my SIStha, but because I like your blog. Happy SITS day!

I hope your planning works for you, looking forward to hearing the results.

Verena said...

What a great idea!!! I love schedules, too! And congratulations on being featured at SITS!

Mayra said...

This is fab!! I am queen of lists. I use everything from my ipod apps to pretty notepads, evernote, and memo boards, etc...the list goes so you're definitely not the only one who feels like that.

Can't wait to see what you come up with. =)

Michelle said...

Oh, this sounds interesting. I've been thinking I need to do the same thing. I find that when I write things out I'm so much better about keeping myself on track and also don't forget as much stuff. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with and how I can modify it for me!!

Unknown said...

I totally get you!! :D I have a "schedule" for my work week, a schedule for my weekends and a schedule for my morning, afternoon & evening routines - LOL! I guess I'm in the right profession... can't wait to see yours!

Heidi said...

Your a girl after my own heart - I'm a list maker and planner extraordinaire! I like to look at it in the way of a blueprint rather than a rigid schedule as well - just something to guide and direct. I look forward to seeing what you develop.

mintifresh said...

That's impressive! My idea of decluttering is taking out the garbage. Go me! ;)

Angie said...

Can't wait!!! I soooo need help in this area! Especially after returning back to work after 11 years home with my kids. I don't know which end is up anymore!?!? The activities part might not translate over to my life- my kids are 9 and 12 but it sounds like everything else will!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

Yay! That's awesome!

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