
Week #3 of FAB Friday~ Giveaway!!!

If you're new to Fun And Balanced Fridays, then start HERE.
I've got week #3 for you, but I also wanted to go into a little more detail about one of the activities I did with Lily this week. About a month ago I had the opportunity of going to a Rhodes Bake N Serve class. I learned lots of fun things you can do with their dough. I got the kids activities book they have and I'm so excited to try out all the fun things in there. One of them was a ham and cheese piggy sandwich. It was so fun and simple to do, and Lily just LOVED making these then getting to eat them.  Here are the directions. Sorry the first page is cut off a little, I scanned it onto my computer and didn't have time to do it all over again. Anyway, where it say's "2 ho", that means "2 hours" incase you were all thinking you needed to ho's in order to make this :) I just bought a big bag of the frozen texas rolls from Costco, but you can find them at most any grocery store.

Rhodes Bake N Serve was so kind to offer this fun package to one 

of YOU! 

It comes with this Fresh Idea's cookbook, an apron, and a coupon for a free bag of rhodes dough ($30 value).

Here is one of the things you'll find in this book, they call them the 

The piggy sandwiches came from the kids Activity book, which is not part of the giveaway. If you'd like to purchase the book you can find it on their website for $14.95
If you'd like to win this giveaway, then leave a comment below and you'll be entered into the drawing. I'll be announcing the winner one week from today October 7th. For more chances to win, you can help us out by doing some of the following. Leave a SEPARATE comment for each thing you do.
You can subscribe by submitting your email address in the top right corner. Be sure to look for the confirmation email sent by feedburner. Sometimes it gets sent to the junk folder by accident.

Click HERE to print the front. 

Click HERE to print the back.

Click HERE to print off the activities.


Erin said...

Those piggy sandwiches look SO cute! Brayden and I will be trying them this weekend -it's now opn my activity list!

Nink said...

SO CUTE!!!! I'm thinking I might have to try that activity with my 4-year old. :) Thanks for sharing!

FourJedis said...

Those are so incredibly cute!!

Amanda- The Nutritionist Reviews said...

Cute blog! And you are so beautiful!!

I just found your blog through a Thursday Blog Hop! Have a great night.

Amanda @

Unknown said...

What fun! That's adorable :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Those are beyond adorable! I love that idea!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

And I like you on FB!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

and follow you of course!

Mayra said...

those are adorable!! What a cute set of baking supplies. It's never to early to bake with your kiddos. They must've had fun!

Carrie said...

That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I remember when my mom use to cut my sandwich in half and the other half in three small slices and say it was the big bad wolf and three little pigs. Ghetto. Totally had to use your imagination there. :) I like the real thing that you have. :) It looks delish too. More fabulous ideas for meals. Woot.

Carrie said...

I follow your bliggity blog.

Carrie said...

I voted for you.

NatureGirl said...

Oh my word! I love the little bread piggy. I use Rhodes dough all the time! How great...

NatureGirl said...

Oh...and I am already a follower...I mean, who wouldn't wanna be!

Melaine said...

-Liked Rhodes Bake N Serve on Facebook.
-follow you on Fb
-Following your blog
-Became an email subscribe

We will be doing this for the girls this weekend too cute!

Jaime said...

Cute idea!

Jaime said...

Voted for you!

Alisa: a pina colada said...

What cute ideas! My kids would love this.

Verena said...

Crystal, this is so cute! I´m sure Lily loved it. The 52 weeks are such a great idea. I still have to read # 1 and 2. Sorry, I just didn´t have time to blog. :(

Verena said...

And of course I´ve voted for you!:o)

Verena said...

And I´m a Fan of you on Fb!!!

Verena said...

I am an email subscriber (for a long time).:D

Verena said...

I became a Fan of Rhodes Bake N Serve on Fb.

Erin said...

Too much fun and cuteness!

He & Me + 3 said...

What a cute piggie. That sounds like something Actress would love she is always wanting to bake things in the kitchen.
Please enter me. Sorry for my absence lately. Crazy over here.

He & Me + 3 said...

I am a fan of you on Facebook and follow your blog.

CK said...

Awesome giveaway- I'd love to win this!
We used to have those framed eggs growing up, only my Mom called them, "eggs in a nest." I still make those for myself once in a while ;)

CK said...

Voted for ya on Top Mommies! You deserve it!!! THis blog is great!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

Thanks for the ideas!

Home Is Where They Send Us said...


Home Is Where They Send Us said...

Like you on FB.

Home Is Where They Send Us said...

Like them on FB.

:) And, I'm following your blog too. Great giveaway!

Em said...

like you on fb

emily wyatt

Em said...

like them on fb

emily wyatt

Em said...

voted top mommies (you really are an inspiration!)

emily wyatt

Em said...

email subscriber

emily wyatt

Em said...

i follow your blog

emily wyatt

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