
Three In One

I'm combining 3 posts in one today. I have a lot to share but don't want to "bug" my email subscribers by filling up their inbox with my mindless blog posts. So here we go.

Two Can Play This Game
I have to thank Sean for inspiring this post. Today I go to write something down in my handy dandy notebook. You all know that I'm a Professional List Maker and I don't leave home without my precious "to do" list. 

I open it up and THIS IS WHAT I FOUND!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I absolutely HATE bugs and this huge beetle gives me the creeps just looking at it. This is a REAL bug folks, dead, but real!

The second I saw it I KNEW that this was Sean's doing.  He's highly aware of my phobia and loves more than anything to see me freak out over these nasty creatures.  He's been known to throw grass hoppers at me, put beetles in my hand, and let red ants crawl on me without my knowledge.  My first thought when I saw this was,  TWO CAN PLAY THIS GAME.
Then I searched the house for places I could hide our little friend.

Should I put it in his vitamins?

On his favorite magazine?

On his pillow?

In his shoe?

On the remote? 

Or in his deodorant?

Maybe next time he'll think twice before messing with me.

Some New Finds
Here are a few pictures of my latest purchases and where I got them.
Don't you just love this necklace? It's now my new favorite! I got it from the Village Quilt Shop for $25

I got this scrunch shirt from Thistles Home Decor for $25. And this mustard striped vest for $25

Thistles is located on 217 East 12300 South suite J1.

The Escobars Featured in Prosper Magazine!
Now this is pretty exciting! My mother and father in law were featured in the the business magazine, Prosper, now available at any local Barns & Noble.  Sean and I even got a little part in there. We were interviewed by the magazine too, and they threw in a couple quotes from us and a picture. I feel like I'm famous now :)

Click here to enlarge 


Cyndy Bush said...

LOVE the bug in the deoderant! Awesome!

Verena said...

I think the same, TOO!!! The bug in the deodorant is the best idea! ;o)
This is so awesome that you and your Family are featured in Prosper Magazine! How exciting!

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

I don't like bugs either. They are horrible and they smell.

I love the outfit, you look fab.

Please join me in my new venture of Blog Hop. I have started this blog hop about Thoughtful Wednesday posts. Please come and add your blog. :)

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Very cool about the magazine!!!! :)

And ewww at that bug. I'm with you, bugs totally freak me out!

Leslie said...

How neat about the magazine!!!! I love the bug on the deoderant!!!!!awesome!!!!! and cute cute necklace and shirt!!! :) have you ever been to Deer Lizzie in Highland, it's near my house, such a fun store that get's me into trouble!!! LOL

Kristina P. said...

Haha, that is hilarious! My husband HATES spiders. I definitely need to do this.

Chanel said...

I really hope that was a fake beattle. I absolutely hate bugs. I would have freaked out. I agree with the others...the deordorant is the best idea.

That is a really cute necklace too.

Mindy said...

I so hope you left that bug leg on his pillow.

I love that shirt.

and so cool about the article. I know someone famous.

3 comments for 3 posts.

KittyCat said...

Hey that bug looks familar. My soccerboy plays tricks on me all the time, with a fake spider. Since he knows I hate spiders.

AS for the necklace, LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

Ick! I won't want to find it any of those places.

Unknown said...

What ARE those bugs? They are so huge. I have seen a few in my backyard. ew ew EW! I think the deodorant is a great idea.

Anyways I love your nails and congrats on being famous! LoL Have a great evening!

gv said...

The dead bug cracks me up!!! I like the deo hiding place best. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

The bug thing is awesome! I love his idea! Now, i am also loving that necklace!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I am a professional list maker too...Really

Had a few minutes to blog hop...Enjoyed your blog...Hope you will stop by by my holiday blog...there is a great Ornament Giveaway this week.

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. WORD!!! That bug is terrible!!

I'd totally go for the deoderant or the shoe for sure! ;)

So fun on the magazine feature - maybe you should have an autograph signing at barnes and noble!! ;)
Congrats on the success there!


Carma Sez said...

the possibilities are endless for that beetle - but I'd have to say the vitamins would be extra evil :D

Carma Sez said...

oh and you look absolutely gorgeous in those pics!!! gonna read the article now

Andrea said...

OMG. I SO picked the wrong day to come over and check you out. That bug made me shiver. Ew. Gross. Gross. And - uh - gross. Read your post for the Friends You Love Blog Hop and had to come by and tell you I LOVED it. :>

Alisa: a pina colada said...

That is hilarious that you did that to him! What a gross bug, but fun game. :) Exciting about that article. And cute outfit!
K so you fabulous list maker... you should check out my notepads that I made for my new boutique! You'd love them. Right now I have zigzag designs but two more designs with be in the shop next week! Modern Palm Boutique:

Simply Mel said...

I love the outdoors but I hate bugs! I'd freak out if I saw one on my pillow!!!

That's awesome you and your husband were featured in the magazine!

Crystal said...

Gross bugs!!!!! Congrats on the mag article!

krislorange said...

LOVE the shirt and necklace!! You find the cutest stuff!! I got my beautiful necklace from Kathy and I LOVE it!! Shes such a sweetheart...thanks again!!

Unknown said...

too funny! So what did he do?

love your new finds!!!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

That is SO AWESOME! Congrats on the magazine feature! EXCITING!
Also, omg that bug is huge I would be freaked out...I love tha tone of the bugs legs broke off on his pillow! haha! (or at least looks like it) I think the deodorant is was the best spot, he wouldn't see it coming!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh that is a scary game to get into!

Love love the new bling:)

Slamdunk said...

Funny game. My vote is for the deodorant. I am not really afraid of bugs, but the surprise there would startle me.

Anna said...

I hope you get back at your husband for that crazy game he played!:) Love the new shirt and necklace and awesome that you were featured in a magazine!! Very cool!

Carrie said...

What we need to do is get about 1,000 of those and have them dump out of his closet when he opens it! Kind of sounds right out of a horror movie but would be oh so funny! :) Cute outfits as always.

Jer + Lu said...

Very cool to read the article about your family. I'm so happy for you guys + all your success! You deserve it :)

KyAnn (like Cayenne Pepper, only HOTTER) said...

Helllloooooo. I'm stalking you now. I totally love you and I love the way you think. Bug in deoderant was super clever. :)

Mayra said...

EWWWW, i hate bugs. I jump when I see them. lol, where did you end up putting it?

I'm loving that vest!! & the necklace is too cute.

CONRATS to your whole family!! I'm sure they have worked hard and they deserve this. =)

mintifresh said...

I love that the leg fell off the bug! That is one nasty big/little thing! EW!!

Loved getting to know you tonight! Always glad to have a new friend!

Kellie said...

I think you should put it in his shoe :) You are too, too cute, it was so great to meet you. Love your blog (and your fab cards)!

Sandra said...

First of all congrats to you and your husband on appearing in the many copies did you guys buy? I'd have such a stack!
Oh, and I love the bug, and think he deserve a very prominent spot in the underwear drawer!!! No no!!! In a pair of neatly folded underwear! Ha!

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