
Tackling House Projects

It's no secret that the list of house projects is NEVER ending. Not only do we have constant dishes and laundry to keep up on, we also have to periodically do things like, organizing drawers and closets, getting rid of old stuff, cleaning out the car and so on. I've made this printable list for you all to use. It's a list of typical house projects. Print it off then add anything else you need in order to personalize it to fit YOU.  Then laminate so you can check off items on your list and use over and over again.
The key is to not give yourself TOO much to do on any given day, that's why my goal is to pick only ONE of these projects and work on them over the course of the week. Give yourself an allotted amount of time each day, even if it's only 15 min. Set aside that time to tackle those chores one project at a time.

Click HERE to print this form.
If you're new here and would like more of these kinds of printouts, be sure to check out my weekly meal plans and list of activities to do with your kids. Start HERE.


Kristin said...

What a great list! I only need to do like all of it. ;)

Slamdunk said...

I like your organized approach to tackling these tasks. Nice!

Rebecca Dot Com said...

Good job Crystal! I love the fact you are doing this! It's great!! I have my own way of doing all my balancing and I love it!! I even schedule time to pay my bills...crazy huh! :)

FourJedis said...

Great idea! I try and do too many things, then get overwhelmed, quit all of them, and never get to check things off. :) So I stopped doing projects altogether, but that's not working out either.

Shell said...

Oh, I get so overwhelmed by it all. Thinking that b/c I can't do it all, I shouldn't bother with any of it. *blushes*

mormonhermitmom said...

That reminds me...I have a backyard to clean up.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea..I'm always trying to do forty bazillion things and go from task to task--never getting the first one done!

Heather said...

That's a great approach to those things you always forget about! I think I might have to print this out:-)

mintifresh said...

These are awesome lists! Nicely done!

Daisygirl said...

I agree one thing at a time...but for me that is so hard I always begin a project before I have one done then I get whelmed! I love your lists!

Anonymous said...

Do you think moms have some kind of automatic ADD? We start a project with big ideas, plans and dreams of what it will be like in the end, then we get overwhelmed and never finish it. Better just to move on to another project! This is the endless cycle that seems to happen at our house.
This is a great idea.

Liz Mays said...

That's so incredibly helpful! I'm a listmaker so this is fantastic!

Java said...

Hi Crystal!!

Thanks for visiting me today! I am now following you and I am loving your blog! And WOWOWOW are you ever BEAUTIFUL!! I keep looking at your picture! Just gorgeous!
I'm so glad to meet you and I'm really looking forward to our new friendship!!


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I admit- I am SLOWLY learning that lists help me!

citymouse said...

Awesome list! I think you're right about setting realistic goals. I tend to try to do too many things and then feel badly that I didn't finish.

Chanel said...

Great list. I think I will add this list of list...lol

Crystal said...

Hey- fellow Crystal! :) I saw that you visited my blog- I LOVE new followers. Thanx so much for visiting and following. I'm following you back, here, on twitter, and on FB!


Emily@JanDee Crafts said...

I LOVE your blog! Thank heavens for someone more organinzed than me!! Are you doing to do some getting ready for the holidays checklists?

*Shelli* said...

I ♥ this! It was so helpful and looks so cute & fun ♥ LOVE your blog too. Thanks for sharing :)

Carrie said...

Crystal you are a freaking gem to do THIS! THIS plus your meal plans. My life is complete.

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