
Fun And Balanced Friday~ Week #5

This week has been a great week. I've been really lovin having these meal plans. Meal times have been such a breeze! Anyway, we celebrated Lily's birthday this week and I plan to share a little about what we did. I have a GREAT recommendation for little girl parties. 

For more meal plans start HERE.


Erin said...

Crystal ~ I love the muffin tin idea! This is actually something that I started doing when Brayden was a toddler...I would fill it with healthy treats (raisons, crackers, cheese, dips), he loved that! I think I will try this one this weekend -thanks!

Liz Mays said...

I love the print option of these and having it all planned out beforehand takes a load of pressure off!

Kristina P. said...

I love that you include date night!

BTW, I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow. :( But I would love to come next time!

Heidi said...

We just watched how to train your dragon last night! :) Such a great message!

Sandra said...

That muffin tin meal is such a fun idea for kids (and grown-ups!) I wonder how many veggies will actually get eaten if they're presented in a muffin tin?
Brilliant Crystal!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

Great ideas! AS ALWAYS! Love that purse idea...I'm doing that with my daughter asap!

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