

No, I'm not pregnant with twins. Actually not pregnant at all,  that I know of.  If you read my "Thinking Maternity" post, then you'd know that it's very much a possibility for me to be pregnant, not with twins though :). Don't worry I'll keep you all posted AS SOON as it happens :). Anyway, the real reason for this post is to tell you about Lily's new favorite doll.

I got this stuff for her as a back to school gift. Actually we already had the doll, and it's not an American girl doll, we got it from Costco last year for $35. They are selling them again right now for Christmas, you can find them online too. The outfits are from K-Mart and they're called What A Doll Girls. You can buy the dolls there too but I personally didn't think they were as cute as the Costco ones:) The outfit sets are only $25 in stores and $20 online. I just went online and bought her a few more outfits to give to her as birthday gifts. She's turning the big "5" this month, and she's extremely excited about it.

Here are some of the other outfits they have.

These pajama's are only $10

 There is another company called My Twin, that sells all kinds of cute stuff like this, but WAY expensive. Here are some of the things I've been eyeing, and MAYBE I'll have to splurge on this adorable doll bunk bed for one of Lily's Christmas presents.

And I just wanted to throw in these recent pictures I took of little Olly and his daddy. I'm pretty proud of the way they turned out, thanks to my wonderful friend Carrie. She's teaching me some of her skills.

Oh, and I would sure love it if you voted for me today on Top Mommy Blogs.  The numbers were reset again, gives other bloggers a chance to be in the top 25, so now back to square one for everyone. I really appreciate you all so much!!! It's simple to vote, just click on this icon, then click on the "click to vote" and you're done. You don't have to register or go searching for my blog on their website, it's that easy :)
Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


mintifresh said...

Those dolls and their outfits are so cute!

Verena said...

You are number 18? Wow, that´s great! Wouldn´t it be great to have twins? What a cute idea to have the same dresses for your girl and her doll. My 2 1/2 yr. old daughter would love that.
By the way, I just voted for you!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I wish I had girls. *sigh*

Mrs. M said...

Hannah is going to be 5 this month too! She has a "twin" doll but never does much with it. It is so cute to see all the same outfits here. ;)

Kristina P. said...

Wow! I think they are cute. But also slightly creepy.

Shell said...

Those dolls and outfits are so cute!

And the pics- gorgeous!

Off to vote!

Donna said...

Those outfits are a lot of fun. I bet your daughter really enjoys sharing time with her doll. I like your pictures also, you did a great job!

Carma Sez said...

voting for you again now - why do they keep resetting the numbers?

and I'm happy that we'll be the first to know about future adorable babies that are in the works :-)

Jean Has Been Shopping said...

Oh gosh, dressing like your doll. Is nothing cuter?!
I'll vote for you at Mommy Blogs.
Thank you for visiting my blog today. It is such a pleasure to meet you.

mormonhermitmom said...

My mom used to dress my little sister and I in the same outfits.

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

How sweet for your little girl to have a set dress for her doll.

The pictures of Ollie and daddy are adoreable.

Carrie said...

First off, I thought you were pregnant! No fair! :) Second, that is hilarious and darling all at once to see Lily and her "twin". I would have killed for something like that as a kid. I guess we live vicariously through our kids huh? Third, props on the pictures Mrs. Photog. Your skills are sharpening. No thanks to me. That's all you. Fourth, your blog is my favorite. One that I check and holds sentimental value because of our friendship. Love it all! (Fifth, I'm off to vote for you right.....now.)

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

So So Cute!!!!!!

Living the Scream said...

I have totally been wanting a doll bunk bed for my daughters dolls! I love that one! It is a splurge. I am going to see if my husband will make me one. but he has never made some thing like that before. we shall see lol

Living the Scream said...

oh they also have outfits like that at sears. When they had a clearance sale I got one outfit for 4 dollars and 2 others for 12 dollars each! So cute I have also seen them at T.J Maxx

NIKOL said...

Seriously love the father & son photos. So sweet.

Liz Mays said...

Some of those dolls are way too pricey. I love this affordable version and that pic of the two of them at the table is adorable!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, how fun to have a little girl! What adorable outfits & doll :) Great shots you took too - you've got a talent!

Julia said...

I love that you make so many of your activities into a cute printable version. Thats so great!

Stephanie said...

Oh what an adorable idea!

jules said...

My daughter loved her American Girl doll when she was younger. Now there are so many more choices, and I love the matching outfits. So cute.

Slamdunk said...

Our little girl is several months away from five--congrats to yours.

krislorange said...

Such GORGEOUS pics Crystal!!! You are so talented in so many ways!!

GoofyJ said...

Just thought I'd stop in and say thanks for commenting on my blog. I've enjoyed reading yours - lots of fun! I think it's awesome that you served a mission - I served a mission as well in Chile. Anyway, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment (comments are always fun to receive!) and feel free to drop by anytime - I'll definitely be back!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

Good job getting in the top 20 on Top Mommy Blogs! I just voted for you and thanks for you vote as well! Your pictures turned out great! I love them! And how cute, my mil just got Jordan matching dresses for her and her doll and she loves it!
I was surprised when my ped said to do avocado first too and cereal last, totally backwards from what we did with Jordan. Avocado is good because of it's creamy texture and high nutrient content and they learn to like the green veggies first...she also said cereal can be constipating and harder to digest that is why they like to wait on it.

Amanda said...

I am definitely getting Miss Ella one of those dolls for Christmas! I've thought about doing an American Girl doll, but I just found out that my Molly is at my aunt's house in Colorado ~ so I'm going to have her send her to me. Ella would be SO excited to have one of these :)

And the pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Amanda said...

OH!!!! And I had to say.... I'm excited you just might be pregnant!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, adorable!!!! I'll have to look more into these as I've got 2 young nieces to consider for Christmsas...

Leslie said...

So cute! wish I had a girl!!!! love the pictures of your husband and son, great job!!! they are really really good!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Super cute outfits and we have the my twin dolls. They are so cool. Love the pictures. How neat of Carrie to teach you some tricks. THey turned out very nice. Love the second one.

Shari said...

If you're looking for alternatives to American Girl, check out Emily Rose @Home. I became a consultant for them last year, but I started out as a satisfied customer. :) We've even started carrying a really nice line of play dolls from Madame Alexander called Favorite Friends that are only $39.99.


And check out my blog for more about matching girl & doll outfits.

The photos you took are adorable!

Unknown said...

That doll is adorable! I'm already thinking of someone I want to get it for.

CK said...

Those pictures look awesome! I can't believe how good you got the back light on them!

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