
New Stylish Coat And Cute Skirts!!!

I've done a little more shopping recently, and of course I want to show you what I got, where I got it, and how much it was.  I've kind of developed some subconscious shopping rules. I have limits on how much I'll spend on certain items. For example, I won't spend more than $200 on ANYTHING.  I think that purses, boots and coats that cost any more than that are INSANELY over priced. I think $100 for a pair of jeans or boots is a little much, but I've come to terms with it. As much as I've tried to find a cute pair of great fitting and comfortable jeans for less than that price, I realized they are few and far between. So I allow myself ONE new pair of boots, and ONE new pair of jeans every fall season. Same goes with coats or jackets. I haven't found my new pair of boots or jeans for this year, but I DID find my coat, and I absolutely LOVE it!!!!

Don't you just adore the corset- tie back!!! I got it from Bebe for $159. It was a little pricey, but I couldn't resist!!! When I looked on the website for this jacket,  couldn't find it, but I did find one almost exactly the same. Everything about it is the same except the material. The link I used will take you directly to the coat I'm talking about. I bet they still have the one I got in stores now. It's only been a week since I purchased it.
I got the boots last year from Nordstroms, and the leggings from Kohls.

I got both of these cute vintage looking skirts from Sweet Briar Hollow.  They were around $40 each,  can't remember exactly, but I just LOVE them. I got the necklace from them as well, but  got it last year so I'm not sure if they still have this exact one.
Sweet Briar Hollow. I get all my basic t-shirts from Downeast. I always get every color at the beginning of each summer, the shirts are only $10 and they are so comfortable. They sell long sleeve shirts too, and I usually get a bunch of different colors in the fall as well.

I got this adorable skirt and shirt for Lily at Beets N' Parsnips. The Ballerina shirt - $16 and the skirt - $40. 

They were all so cute I had a hard time  getting only one. Here are a few more of my favorites.

And for those of you who were asking me where they could buy these cute cabaret leggings online, you can get them at Effies Heart for $36.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway HERE!!!


Lilibeth MacLean said...

Just adorable! But, you'd look cute in anything you put on!

Shell said...

You look fabulous!!!! Love it all!

alexis said...

i love the corset tie! so cute. and the boots are delicious...almost makes me excited that it's fall. :)

FourJedis said...

So cute! I love that jacket. I try and buy a jacket about once every 2-3 years or so, since I only have about 3-4 months of jacket-wearing season here. I am due, though, and tried to buy one a few weeks ago, but the one I longed for was sold out. I love your finds! I am such an online shopper and did some damage at asos this past week - hoping everything arrives today. They have some really cute kid stuff.

Kristina P. said...

So cute! I love the lace trend. And I bought a new pair of boots too. Actually two pairs. I have about 16 coats, so I'm not sure I can justify a new one.

Kellie said...

You're a fashion queen! I LOVE the coat- it screams "sassy!"

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

I love your style! So awesome!

Stacey said...

Love all of it.

Unknown said...

so cute! i especially love the skirts and leggings.

Carrie said...

I loved the skirt you wore when we hung out. But if I wore that skirt I'd look like a freak. You make it all look so good no question! :) Lily is a miniature of you! p.s. I've had compliments on my "new purse", proof you have got the fashionista, sista!

Anonymous said...

You look great! I love it all.

Nancy C said...

A coat makes any outfit...gorgeous!

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Super cute I love it all. I still wish I was rich enough enough to pay you to be my personal shopper

CK said...

Awesome! I LOVE the middle outfit. And those skirts for little girls are so adorable.

Annie said...

You looks great!!!

Thanks for follow my blog. Nice to meet you. Also a new follower of your blog, too.

Have a great day.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

OH you guys are too cute. I love your second outfit.

girlytwins said...

Pretty sure you can't be any cuter :)
Love that jacket. You have to be the most stylish mom in town. I look forward to following you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Of course you loved the jacket- it almost matches your blog! I love it too! Now, let's NOT talk about spending too much on handbags, k?

Anna said...

This makes me want to go shopping!! My favorites are the jacket, leggings and boots! Too cute!

Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh i can't believe I haven't discovered your blog sooner! Love all the outfits, esp the coat. Can't wait to try some of your meal/activity tips.

Mayra said...

Like always, you look fab!!

I'm loving the coat!!! Is there yellow?? lol

Your style reminds me of mine. Leggings are a must in my close.

The skirts are so cute & for your little one, even cuter!!

Unknown said...

Girl - you've got style!! Love that coat & what great outfits that all go together!

krislorange said...

OMG....I want that jacket....so cute!!!!! But you make EVERYTHING look cute!!

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