
My Craft Room

Today I wanted to show you what my craft room looks like. I'm actually in the process of organizing it, and have been on the search for some cute storage baskets and bins. I've been looking at the CSN Stores website, they have over 200 online stores where you can find everything from stylish handbags, to modern bar stools, or great cookware! They have a great selection of organizational products as well. Here are a few of the things from their website that stood out to me.
Winsome Capri Foldable Fabric Storage Baskets

LaMont Dry Erase 3 Piece Basket Set 

Now here are the pictures of my craft room, as you can see it's in need of a little organizing :).

If you'd like to see more rooms in my house, click HERE.

*I received a gift card from the CSN stores for mentioning their website.


Rebecca Dot Com said...

sounds like someones doing another review of CSN! yay!! they jsut contacted me AGAIN for another giveaway!! :)

enjoy your Wednesday my dear!!!

Mrs. M said...

Such a cute room, and you are SO organized. Love it!

Heather said...

That's a nice craft room! Mine's about 1/2 that size...but it's nice to still have a room just for that!

JennRawks said...

its so pretty!!! I'm getting a craft space in our new house we are moving into...except its in the basement, however...i can pretty it up! Thanks for the inspirations

Kristina P. said...

Your craft room is a dream!

Unknown said...

I just love your combination of black & whites against that green background - very energetic :) Those dry-erase baskets from CSN are a great idea!!

Liz Mays said...

I have a combination office/scrapbook room and I use a sorta kinda similar paper holder doodad. It's still a big mess in here since my move, but it's getting a bit better every day. Today is the first day I don't trip when I move around.

Carma Sez said...

that looks like a nice spacious room - and you are incredibly well organized :-)

Unknown said...

Your craft room is actually awesome!

Corine Moore said...

Oh gosh... it looks like you are having so much fun! :D I'm inspired... I have got to do some organizing and decorating ASAP!!! :D

Kellie said...

If you think that's disorganized, you'd better wear a blindfold when you come to my house! Srrrrsly!

Verena said...

I love your craft room! I need to find a room like this for myself in my house. I still have to do so much redecoration and reorganising...

MrsKBJ said...

I love csn stores. I did a review for them a few months ago. I love your craft room.... I dream to have one some day:)

He & Me + 3 said...

Very nice. I have a craft corner...I wish I had a room :)

Slamdunk said...

Excellent look. I cringe when I hear craft room though--my weightlifting room became our craft room. But the kids have since taken it over and it changed into an extra play area.

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Crystal, I have the same sewing machine. It is brother? LOL.

Young Wife said...

I love your craft room! So cute!

Donna said...

How beautiful! It is nice to have your own space!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Wow! I'm impressed. What a great room. And, I love me a good basket.

Carrie said...

They don't call you Crystal Organized Escobar for nothin'. :)

Unknown said...

I love your craft room and the colors. You have awesome taste. Wish you could come do something with my boring house. Have a great weekend, ok!!!!

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

I'm just jealous!

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