
Fun And Balanced Friday~ Week #4

If you're new to our 52 Weeks of Balance project, then start with week #1 HERE.

Click HERE to print front.

Click HERE to print the back.

Click HERE to print activities.

Oh and by the way, the winner of the giveaway is Sara @ Domestically Challenged!!!


Michelle said...

Oh, how fun. These look like great ideas! Thanks for all the free printables!

Verena said...

Wonderful idea! I love the activity idea! And congratulations to Sara!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Sweet Crystal! I am emailing you now!

April said...

I'm doing it a little differently, but I've joined FAB Friday.

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

I love the menu this week! It's so helpful REALLY! How many times do we just get stuck on doing the same easy things that work day after day? The menus for breakfast and lunch are the most helpful because for some reason those are the hardest for me to think of..hmm...what else can we do besides oatmeal or sandwiches? I totally want to paint some pumpkins too! I think for my daughter, so she can do one by herself, I'll get some things for her to decorate a pumpkin with, like googly eyes, pipe cleaners...i dont know///make it like a mr potato head and just stick stuff on it.

Mammatalk said...

Such great ideas. YOu are so organized! :+)

Donna said...

You are doing a great job with this! Why not put this together in a book, I bet it would be a best seller.

He & Me + 3 said...

congrats to sara. Great idea for the pumpkins. Love it. My kids are not fans of pulling the guts out and it is really to hard for them to carve at their age. That is great.

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