Don't you just LOVE this lace shirt? You can wear it with anything! Over a shirt, or even under. I'm pretty much obsessed with gray and wear it all the time, it's a great color for this time of year. I meant to take a closer picture of the bracelet I got, can you see the fabric flower attached to it? I got the lace shirt for $20, the bracelet for $15, and the pants for $40. Aren't those GREAT prices?
I got the pink shirt for $39, the black dress for $39, the earrings for $19 and the gray cardigan for $20.
My dear friend Ali has offered to give away the lace top, your color and size of choice AND one of these cute necklaces to go with it.
Here are a few more pics of the lace top, the different colors and how you can wear it.
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This is Ali, isn't she beautiful!!! |
So all you have to do to enter this giveaway is leave a comment!!!! If you'd like more chances to win, you can leave an additional comment for each thing you do from the list below. Be sure to leave your email address along with your comment if it's not already public in a profile, that way I have a way of contacting you if you're the winner.
- Become a fan of The Sweetest Thingz on Facebook. Also leave her a comment and tell her I sent you.
- Share this on Facebook.
- Suggest to at least 3 of your friends to become a Fan of Balanced Moms and The Sweetest Thingz on Facebook.
- If you're an email subscriber, follower, or fan already you can leave another comment.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be choosing a winner on 11-10, using If the winner lives here locally then you can pick up your prize at the store, if you're in another state, we'll have it shipped to you.
I hope you all had a great Halloween!!! Sean and I went with the Alice and Wonderland theme this year.

that is sooo cute! I love it!!!
I would totally rock the gray one too! :)
im already a follower of your awesome blog! :)
Crystal you look very beautiful. I love the halloween outfits you and Shawn wear on the picture!
You look adorable.
This is just down the street from my work, so I need to stop by!
That is soo cute! I want it. :) Where is her store?
You look beautiful as always girl. Love your costumes. :)
I love the lace top! I'm fan & Follower!
OMG.....LOVE that shirt!! You always always find the cutest stuff!!
I follow your blog as well ;)
So cute, love it!
Im a fan of the sweetest thingz on Facebook
I also left her a comment telling her you sent me
I am a follower of your blog
I suggested 3 friends to be a fan of yours on facebook
I LOVE that gray lace shirt! And the white one, and the black one, and the pink one. Soo cute. :)
Following them on facebook. :)
LOVE the gray lace shirt and pants!! You look so cute!!! Off to track down her facebook page ;)
THese clothes are sooo cute...anyway she will have online ordering options???
I "like" her on FB and let her know you sent me. I already follow you on twitter, FB and GFC; and I subscribe to your feed via email.
You and Ali are too gorgeous for words! (Does that get me another entry?...kidding!)
So here is my comment saying that I love the white lace in size small (5/6).
My email:
I "like her on FB and let her know you sent me.
I follow you on FB and GFC.
Pick me pick me! :)
How could you be any cuter than you are?! I love the lace top! I would wear that a ton!
I left a comment on FB and fan'd her!
I LOVE that lace shirt!!! You like to wear gray, I LOVE to wear black! You look beautiful..GREAT style!!!
I am a follower!!!
You look AMAZING! Wonderful stuff and a fab sense of style!
I'd love to win this...that lace top is fly!
boobiesbabiesandablog AT gmail DOT com
I like The Sweetest Thingz on FB as Jana A
I'm a follower...*(twice actually) not sure how that
The shirt is fabulous! You guys have the cutest boutiques in Utah! And love the Halloween costumes girl you two totally pulled it off!
I'm a follower! Love this shirt.
Love, love the shirt!!
And I'm already a follower :)
CUUUTTTEE!!! Crystal you are such a doll. I love your sense of style and wanna be just like you when I grow up! :) Love the top!
Please pick me. I want this. And am dying for some new additions to the wardrode.
I'm a facebook fan!
Love that look Crystal! Would love to win one!
I'm leaving a comment for Brenda Hoffman.
I'm leaving a comment for Lilibeth MacLean.
I'm leaving a comment for Danielle Lewis.
I "liked" her page & left her a comment that I found her because of you!
I am an e-mail subscriber, follower & fan of you already :)
I LOVE that shirt! Too cute!!
I became a fan on Facebook of The Sweetest Thingz.
And of course, I am all ready a fan of you!! and friend on Facebook! :)
ok, first off...CUTE HALLOWEEN PICS! Adorable. Also, love the new clothes.
Here is my comment so I can win (fingers crossed)
emily wyatt
fan of The Sweetest Thingz on Facebook
emily wyatt
I got my friend Jamie, my sister Tif, and Brad (does he count? He's my husband, but I still showed him your site. Hahaha).
emily wyatt
i'm a subscriber!
emily wyatt
I'm a follower!
emily wyatt
I'm definitely a fan!
emily wyatt
Love this!! and would definitely like the gray one too =)
They're bringing lace (sexy) back! :)
I'm a major follower!
Im a follower on BLOG.....and always love your fasion tips!
I "like" Sweet Thingz"
I just found you and I totally adore your blog! The lace tee is to die for! So wish I still lived in Utah....I'd make a visit!
I'm leaving a comment for Amy Fowler.
Just became a follower of the Sweetest little things on Facebook! Love it!
I'm already a follower! Yay!
I "like" that cute store on fb now!
I am a follower! :) And liked them on FB!
I am leaving my one comment and crossing my fingers. Those tops are truly cute!
I was so looking for a lace shirt like that one!perfect!
I'm a follower of your site!
I'm leaving a comment for Jennifer Williamson.
You are gorgeous! As soon as I saw the tops I thought GREY! I love wearing that color too. Great giveaway! :)
already a fan and follower!
This week has rocked, found ur blog, sweetest thingz, suggested them both to friends and hearing great things from my friends already. Lovin the lace shirts, gray small. gonna look at the rest of her clothes
Still LOVE all the new stuff!!!
Follow your blog everyday ;)
LOVE the new boutique!!!
Oh....and I adore you too!! ;) Thats a given though!!
everything looks totally fabulous on you. Gorgeous!
I'd love to win one of those lace tops to wear with my dance outfit
I am a fan of yours on Fb
I love these cute tops! Did all the requirements, I hope to win! I have to say, I LOVE your blog Crystal. I'm not a Mom yet, but still I use your meal plans & advice for just my Prince & I for now!
I love the tops, cant wait to win one!!!
new fan of you in FB!!!
fan on FB of Sweetest Thingz!!!
Crystal, you are so dang adorable! I've been so MIA from bloggity land ~ I'm trying to get ready for this baby that's creeping up on me lol. Hope all is well with you <3
I'm a subscriber
I'm a fan on Facebook!!
Oh those are super cute!
Okay backstory: I was going to leave a comment but that meant I was comment number one and number one NEVER wins... so lets hear it for 81!
I suggested your blog and the sweetest thing to 15 friends on facebook!
I am also a fan and follower of Wannabebalancedmom
I want that shirt in EVERY color!!! ;)
Love the necklace and bracelet as well!!
You and Sean are the cutest couple ever!!! I adore you guys!!
I am a fan and a follower, got my sister and all my sister in laws reading your blog. Thank you!
Love the outfits!
I am a happy follower
I love these lace shirts I have been looking for something just like it because when you live in Montana layers are a must. Lol
I became a fan of The Sweetest Thingz and your page on Facebook. Love your giveaways.
Great giveaway! I would totally do the grey one too! I like her on FB now and left her a comment!
And of course I'm already a follower of yours!
love the lace top! Pick me!
im already a follower of yours :) i love it!
Love ALL of your items!! Of course you would look great in anything that you wear!
Love those lace tops- you look adorable!!
I became a fan of The Sweetest Thingz and left a comment there! I would LOVE to win, the top and necklace are gorgeous!
-Miranda J
Oh, and I'm already a follower of yours! Yay!
-Miranda J
Shared it on Facebook!
-Miranda J
Gorgeous! You look stunning in it too.
And suggested Balanced Moms and The Sweetest Thingz to my friends! Can you tell I really want to win?! ;o)
-Miranda J
I'm leaving a comment for AnnaMarie Emfield Miller from facebook.
I'm leaving a comment for Sariah Baldwin Kolb from facebook.
I'm leaving a comment for Debbie Shepherd Smith from facebook.
I'm leaving a comment for Lisa Harris-Lapikas from facebook.
I'm leaving a comment for Jennifer Roberts from facebook.
Comment for Jennifer Hughes from facebook.
Comment for Analia Palmer
Comment for Emily Layton
Stephanie Lee Candles
Comment for Hanna Jackson Stringham
I love all this stuff ill have to stop by there.
I would love to win!!
I'm leaving a comment for Emily Layton.
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