
In Need of Some Inspiration... PLUS a Giveaway!

So guess what? Did you know that it's been a WHOLE year now since I started my blog? I really can't believe it!  179 posts, 65,000 visits, 485 followers, 860 facebook fans, and 3,764 comments later. Not that the stats really matter... okay, who am I kidding, the stats TOTALLY matter :) It's really what keeps me going, if I didn't have all the support of you guys then what would be the point. I might as well just keep a journal instead of a public blog. Really though, I am truly grateful for all your kind words of encouragement and advice. I've grown so much and learned so much over the past year, and I really have you all to thank.
Okay, so now the reason for the title of this post.  I must tell you, writing a song is FLIPPIN HARD!!! I'm not going to give up   no siree, but I have developed a whole new appreciation for song writers. I've been sticking to my commitment but I'm in MAJOR need of some inspiration. This whole process has been pretty discouraging, but as I persist I'm finding it a little easier... well not easier, but I guess a little less daunting.  This type of thing does not come easy to me, but I'm reminded of the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

"That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved."

And now for the giveaway!!!!
You all remember those cute Cabaret Leggings I got from Effie's Heart?
Well they have offered to sponsor a giveaway!!!!  We were going to have these leggings be the prize, but they are going so fast we didn't want to risk not having the right size left when the contest was over. So if you've been wanting to get a pair of these you better hurry up. They are offering FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the US.
They have so many other cute clothes and accessories that it wasn't hard to find something else for this giveaway. First let me share a little about them.

"For all modern women who yearn for the true glamour of yesteryear, Effie’s Heart has come to save the day. Kimo, founder of Effie’s Heart, has a lust for easy living, an appreciation of eclectic beauty, and a taste for the finer things of fashion’s past - all of which come together to bridge new fashion ground in Effie’s Heart.

As a fashion adventurist who believes in the accessibility of style, Kimo has created a line wearable by any modern woman who believes that comfort can be bed-mates with fashion. Using color palettes inspired by antique catalogs, art history, nature, and vintage clothing, Kimo has painted a fashion canvas that is both endearing and unique. Fighting against the forces of sameness that trend services push onto mass culture, Kimo would like to introduce Effie’s Heart to all those who believe there is still room for original inspiration."

This shirt is my favorite. I got it in black too!

Now for the giveaway PRIZE!!!
A $36 Gift Card!!!
Don't you just LOVE these gloves? They are called the East End Gloves. They are priced at $41 and they also have them in the Bay blue, same color as this shirt. I'm SO excited about my new stylish gloves, and now one of YOU can also have a pair. Just leave a comment here to be entered, you must be a follower of this blog or fan on Facebook in order to win. For more chances to win, you can leave additional comments by doing a few of these things below (leave a separate comment for each one you do). We appreciate your help in spreading the word. (Be sure to leave your email address with your comment if it's not already public in a profile)

This giveaway will end 11-30


Verena said...

Crystal, it´s been already a year??? Wow, time is just flying away. Congratulations!!! I remember when you first started your blog! I was so excited about it! You are a great writer and you have always wonderful and interesting things to share with us! I´m glad we got to know eachother (through the internet)!

Verena said...

I just voted for you, my friend! You deserve it to be the number "1"!

Lilibeth MacLean said...

Congratulations! You deserve it. And, you have the cutest taste in clothes. I love it!

JennRawks said...

holy smokes i love those gloves. I'm in the fashion state of emergency in Ohio. I need to make gloves look good around here! Thanks for the opp!

Jaime said...

Congratulations! A year is a big deal! I've been blogging for just a couple of months now. I hope I'm at least HALF as successful as you! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the black gloves!!! =)

gwenever said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Who am I... said...

Way cute gloves!:)

Painter's Place said...

Hey Crystal! Thanks for modeling the clothes. I just ordered the top and the gloves. I told her that I hope they look as good on me as they do on you!! Thanks so much! Congratulations on your one year!!!

Becky Nelson said...

Love everything. you always look so dang cute!

Jen Moyer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen Moyer said...

You are so cute! Fun giveaway!

Jen Moyer said...

I like Effie's Heart on FB

Jen Moyer said...

I follow you on Twitter

Jen Moyer said...

I follow Effie Heart's blog

Shell said...

All so cute!

Congrats on 1 year!

Jenny Livingston said...

I'm following you on Twitter. =)

Sandra said...

Wow! That's quite a blog resume there lady! Congrats!
Was admiring you in the pictures, as I always do, and as usual, you are stunning!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your year-long blogging venture :)

Amy and Wes said...

Love your blog.
And those darling gloves.
Sure hope to win.

Carma Sez said...

you know I lurve your giveaways!!!

Carma Sez said...

following you on Twitter - and congrats on 1 year!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! I love the gloves. Nice color, too.

CK said...

Totally wanna win this one!!!!

CK said...

Followin' on Twitter!!!!

Martha Giffen said...

First time visiting your blog! Congrats on the 1 year achievement! Great stuff here :)

He & Me + 3 said...

Yeah for 1 year! congrats! Cute giveaway!

Crystal Escobar said...

I'm leaving a message for Patti Lewis

Crystal Escobar said...

I'm leaving a comment for Jennifer Christy.

Em said...

I am a follower!

emily wyatt

Em said...

I am a fan on facebook!

emily wyatt

Em said...

Ok, so I sent a request to Effie's Heart on Facebook to be their friend...I will be sure to put it on their wall once they accept my "friendship!"

emily wyatt

Em said...

I suggested 3 friends on Facebook!

emily wyatt

Em said...

Subscribed to newsletter

emily wyatt

Em said...

follower of their blog

emily wyatt

Melissa said...

Ooh, i hope i win! I follow you, on twitter, too :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I follow you! (Duh, you are awesome!) and love these gloves! They are perfect!

Curtis and Windy Olson said...

I love this clothing line!! You make it look fabulous too! said...


Erin said...

I love Effie's Heart! :)

Jaime said...

Leggings, shirt, gloves...they're all super cute!!! I'd take any of them!!! =)

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

They are all so cute!
Congrats on the year of blogging and being so successful and popular!!! You gotta a true fan here :P

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Wow those gloves are awesome!!
...and I adore those cabaret leggings!
Congrats on your blogaversary Crystal :)
Off to have a look at Effie's Heart now ;)
Jan x

Jessica said...

Congrats on your one year!! I love the gloves! I follow you and my email is

Crystal Escobar said...

I'm leaving a comment for Monica DeMalignon

Unknown said...

Congrats on 1 year blogoversary!! :) I'd love to be entered, thank you!

Crystal Escobar said...

I'm leaving a comment for Hanna Jackson Stringham

Crystal Escobar said...

I'm leaving a comment for Megan Alvarez

Crystal Escobar said...

I'm leaving a comment for Jennifer J Williamson

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