I'm a big fan of Impel Clothing! They are a modest women’s boutique specializing in basic, yet fashionable layering tees and vintage inspired modest clothing for women. Their modestly fitted cap-sleeve, long-sleeve, and v-neck tees have become known for their quality and durability.
They were kind enough to send me this cute dress to review for them, and also offered another one for a GIVEAWAY!!!
I really love the quality and comfort this dress provides. Here are some of the other dresses they have, the prices range from $69-$79, and you can find them HERE.
The winner of the giveaway will get to choose which ever dress they'd like. Ends Jan. 18th
To Enter:
Leave a comment here telling me which dress is your favorite.
For more chances to win you can leave additional comments by fulfilling one or all of the requests below. Leave a SEPARATE comment for each thing you do, and be sure to leave your email address if it's not already public in a profile.
* Become a fan of Impel Clothing on Facebook.
* Become a fan of Balanced Moms on Facebook.
* Join Impels "Girlfriends" list.
* Share my Wanna Be Balanced Planners with your friends on Facebook. You can copy and paste this link:
* Follow my blog via google friend connect, email, or twitter (If you do all 3, you can leave a separate comment for each one).

You are definitely a great model for them! My favorite is definitely the embellished waist dress you are wearing-I love the color, the style, the length-everything!
I am already a fan of Impel on FB under Heather Miller :-)
And of course I'm already a fan of Balanced Moms on FB!
Lastly, I'm a faithful follower of your blog through Blogger:-)
Ok, so maybe that wasn't last...I didn't know you were on Twitter. I do now! and I follow you @J_H_Miller!
I am a fan of Impel on Facebook. Their clothes are so cute!
I am a faithful follower of your blog :) I love it!
I am a fan of your blog on FB as well! Here is hoping to a win :) I really need a new dress for church since my supply is short...lol
I follow your blog via e-mail as well.
I can't decide if I like the embellished waistband dress or the button detail banded waist dress better. I think I am leaning towards the button detail one.
Honestly I just like all 3 of them.
I am pretty sure I follow your blog through google friend connect as well.
I LOVE the Button Detail Banded Waist Dress... especially the warm ash color and the ruching details on the waist. Gray is my absolute favorite color. Have you ever noticed it just goes well with any color. Sooo pretty.
I am a fan of Impel on FB. They have a beautiful clothing line. I have lots of things from their shop on my wishlist. ;-)
I am also a fan of Balanced Moms on FB. I appreciate your product reviews and all of the wonderful ideas on your Fun and Balanced Fridays. Thanks, Crystal.
I'm not going to lie, I really like the embellished waist band dress that you tried.
I am a blog follower.
I love the greyish/purple one at the top...but just one question, do they come in midget sizes, too?? lol
you are so cute. My favorite dress is the one you have on in the pics, if that counts. IF not, I would say the gray one.
emily wyatt
I am a fan of balanced mom's on facebook!
emily wyatt
I love the dress you have on...its perfect, want one!!!
facebook fan of balanced moms
subscribe via email
google friend follower of this blog!! I love it!
I love the Button Detail Banded Waist Dress!
Super cute! I really love the ruffled one. It would hide all the things I need to hide.
I just started following your blog this year and you have inspired me in many ways... you are so honest and easy to relate to :) I became a fan a few days ago on Facebook.
I love the clothing from Impel, and they have great prices! I will def. be ordering from there in the future!
i've entered my e-mail to the "girlfriends" list and am looking forward to their e-mails
I'm following your blog via e-mail! I also love your planners, such a great idea! So creative!
Ooops forgot my e-mail megan0317@msn.com and I like the dress you are wearing!
Crystal, you are a hottie and whoever was fortunate enough to take that picture is one lucky man!
You look fabulous Crystal as always! I love how you gave the dress your own personal style. :)
I hope your year is going well so far!
My favorite is the Crossover V-Neck Half Sleeve Dress :)
oohmybento at gmail dot com
I follow through google friend connect!
I LOVE the one you are wearing!! Love the way you've styled it too! Already a huge fan of yours ;) Off to find them on facebook!
Leaving a comment for Janet Yamamoto.
Villi Waddoups
Tawnie South
Jennifer J Williamson
I became a fan of Impel on FB.
I all ready am a fan of Balanced Moms.
Joined the Girlfriends list.
I follow your blog with Google friend connect.
I just now signed up to follow your blog through email.
I love these dresses. So adorable. I think my favorite is the one you are wearing. So CuTe!!!
I really like the Crossover V-Neck Half Sleeve Dress! Thanks!
gagaslab at gmail dot com
Twitter follower @pinksade
gagaslab at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of Impel Clothing on Facebook. (Pinky Sade)
gagaslab at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of Balanced Moms on Facebook. (Pinky Sade)
gagaslab at gmail dot com
I like the layered ruffle cap sleeve dress
I follow you on twitter
I like you on facebook
I love the one you are wearing and the gray/taupe one. It's so hard to find dresses that are long enough!
Love these dresses. Just my style. I love the black one best.
Became a fan of Impel Clothing
I am a fan of Wanna Be a Balanced Mom on Facebook. I also Liked your post.
Oh my gosh! These are SOOOOOO cute! and look so comfy too!
oh my word so cute i am obsessed with ruffles right now so i love the Layered Ruffle Cap Sleeve Dress {swoon}
great look! layered is a wonderful way to wear it too---
I love the ruffled black dress.
sarahlewis97030 at yahoo dot com
I'm a fan of impel on FB
sarahlewis97030 at yahoo dot com
I'm a fan of yours on FB
sarahlewis97030 at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog on Google
sarahlewis97030 at yahoo dot com
I'm also on Impels "girlfriends" list
sarahlewis97030 at yahoo dot com
I like the Embellished Waistband Dress, that you are modeling, the best!
I am a fan of Impel on FB & Twitter :0)
I am a fan of Balanced Moms on FB :0)
I am on the Impel Girlfriends list.
I follow your blog via google friend connect.
I follow you on twitter.
I signed up to follow you through Yahoo messenger :0)
Can you tell I REALLY want an Impel dress?! You've given my new motivation to get more organized, thanks! Glad I found you ;0)
You look super pretty in that blush color lady!
I really like the Crossover V-Neck Half Sleeve Dress but the one you feature looks great too. What a wonderful shop.
havenera at gmail dot com
I'm following you via gfc.
havenera at gmial dot com
I like the black tier dress! Very unique! love them all really though!
I now am a fan of Impel on facebook!
And of course I am a fan of your son facebook!!
And last but certainly not least, I am one of your blog followers!!
Hi, my favorite dress is the Button Detail Banded Waist Dress. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
I'm a fan of Impel Clothing on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
I'm a fan of Balanced Moms on Facebook (FB name: Maddie Brubaker).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
I follow you on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
I love the pink one you are wearing. Very cute. I actually like them all though!!. :)
I am a fan of Impel on FB:)
I am a fan of wanna be balanced on FB:) !!
I joined Impel's girlfriends list!!! :) Love their stuff!
Please enter me to win. I'd take any of these cute dresses!!!!
i love the layered ruffled cap sleeve dress
i like you on facebook
i like impel clothing on facebook
I love the crossover v neck dress.
Liked Impel Clothing on fb - suburbsanity.
Liked you on fb - suburbsanity.
Joined their Girlfriends List.
gfc follower.
Following you on twitter @suburbsanity.
I would choose the Crossover V-Neck Half Sleeve Dress. Gorgeous!
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
My fav is either yours or
Button Detail Banded Waist Dress.
And btw, your hat is adorable!!! I want one like that!
fan of Impel on fb
fan of balanced moms on fb
joined the girlfriends list
follow you gfc
follow on twitter
Oh my goodness I LOVE ♥!! The gray one is definitely my fave!!!
Joined the girlfriends list!!!
Became a fan on Facebook of Impel!
Already a fan of Balanced moms on Facebook!
Button Detail Banded Waist Dress is my fav!!!
I love the layered ruffle cap sleeve dress
I am a fan of Impel on fb
I am on Impel's girlfriends list :)
Hey Crystal. I really like the second one with the halfie sleeves. Cute, cute, cute!
Brenda Hoffman
Janet Yamamoto
Jennifer Christy
Amy Fowler
I like the dress you are wearing as well as the gray one. I am already a fan of Balanced Moms on FB.
Thanks for entering me!
The embellished waist dress is adorable!
By the way, I had a dream about those lace tops last night. I got one in the mail and was sooo excited!
Fan of Impel on FB!
Fan of wannabebalancedmom on FB!
I like the Button Detail Banded Waist Dress
I like impel on fb
I like balanced mom on facebook
I follow your blog gfc
Following you on twitter sfoster71
shared your planners on facebook
I joined the girlfriend list at impel
Hey Crystal.
I'm loving these dresses. I would love the one you have on...or the black one....or the gray one. :)
I'm a fan on facebook.
I follow your blog on facebook.
I follow you on Blogger.
I mean Google Friend. Do I sound like a stalker yet? :)
I love all the dresses, I LOVE DRESSES so I am thinking about the black one! So CUTE!!! Thank you
I am a fan on FB!!!
I liked Impel on FB!!
Thank you
Shared your link on my FB!!!
I love these dresses!
I am a fan of Impel on Facebook.
I love the 2nd one. The pink one with the 3/4 sleeve and v neck. Very cute! They are all so cute it's hard to just choose one! Crystal, you are a very beautiful model! They have really cute clothes at Impel!
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