Okay, I'm curious, what do you all think about Brad Womack being back for another chance? Is he sincere? Or does he just want to mac with a bunch of girls again.
And what do you think of Michelle? I'm not trying to gossip or anything, but did you know that my husband grew up with her? I actually met her once a couple years ago at the zoo. She was so nice too! I have to admit though, I was a little jealous of how pretty she was. When my husband and I ran into her that day and he introduced us, I was thinking to myself, wow, she's gorgeous. When we walked away my first question to Sean was, "so did you date her "? The answer was no, which to be honest was what I wanted to hear :) I'm sorry, when it comes to my husband, I get a little... how do you say...
Thankfully my husband never looks twice at another girl and always makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful women to him, which fulfills a major need of mine :)
Speaking of the Bachelor and how great my husband is, the other night I actually felt like I was on one of those amazing dates from the show. Sean planned an elaborate date for us over the weekend, could have even been a scene from the movie Pretty Women. Okay I'm exaggerating a bit, but I do like to pretend I'm Vivian sometimes.
We always have a weekly date night, but Sean decided he wanted to surprise me with an extra special night out on the town. He made reservations for us at the Melting Pot. It's a restaurant down town Salt Lake City that specializes in Fondue entrees and desserts. I was so excited because I've never been there before and the food was to die for!!!!
THEN, as if that wasn't enough, he bought us some great seats to the Opera! Seriously!!! What kind of husband does that...
Don't mean to brag, but I just LOVE him :) He hates to go to plays, and musicals too, so it really meant a lot to me. The cool thing about this show is that it was Hansel and Gretel in GERMAN!!! There was a screen above with subtitles, but I was so excited to get to hear it all in German ( I learned German from serving and LDS mission in Germany).
It was so good I almost peed my pants!!!
I mean... it was better than Pirates of Penzance.
You all know I'm quoting Pretty Women right?
So anyway, if you're new here you may not have seen the interview I posted of Kyla Dickerson from season two. You should check it out, it was so interesting to hear what really goes on behind the scenes.
The post is called Kyla Tells All.
On another note, I got some new boots and jeans, yay!!!
I got them at Buckle, and right now all their boots are on sale!!! I couldn't find these boots on their website, but I did find them somewhere else. You can click HERE to see them. The jeans are a pair of their BKE skinny jeans, which I absolutely LOVE, probably because I LOVE wearing boots so much and skinny jeans look awesome with boots!
So as you all know, I'm a stickler to the "out with the old in with the new" rule. Each time I get anything new I get rid of something old. So, I would like to give away a pair of boots and a pair of jeans to the first person who tells me they want them, and will also be willing to pay for the shipping. Just leave a comment with your email and we'll discuss the details that way.
These boots are a size 8.5 and I got them from Nordstroms for around $100. I actually don't know what brand the jeans are and can't remember where I even bought them. They are a size 5.
So let me know if somebody wants them.
Have fun watching The Bachelor this week!!!

Dude!! I want the boots!! So cute!!
Had you ever gone on The Bachelor, you would have blown Michelle away! Plus, she's CRAZY.
Michelle is a nut case- LOL! I don't think there is anyone who doesn't think she is nuts! She is so possesive and insane on the show! Controlling and mean and so so fake! Everyone I have talked to wishes he would just send her home too ;) She's way too into herself and shows no respect to the other girls, definately not a fan of hers, not at all.
My favorites are Emily, Chantal, and Ashley S.
That sounds like a really magical date! Very sweet.
I will definitely take the boots and the name the shipping to VA! :-)
And also...I am obsessed with this season for some reason! Michelle is gorgeous, I totally agree! Emily is adorable though too:-) You, on the other hand, have NOTHING to worry about-you and your hubby make a beautiful couple (and beautiful babies to boot!!)
Melting Pot is to.die.for! Seriously one of my favorite places to go-atmosphere is great, it's unique, and delicious!
Oh, and my email is :-)
That is seriously the most thoughtful date!
What an awesome Husband! I love my hubby, he's great, but he's never done a surprise special date like that...yet!!! ;)
How sweet!! i love the melting pot- my hubby took me there for mother's day last year, delish!
i love those jeans and the boots, too bad someone already claimed them =)
Oh my gosh I was a little shocked to hear that Michelle was so nice in person because she has come off as, ummm, how do i say... sort of B-otchy on the show! Maybe they are just showing her bad side? I must confess i'm pretty into it and can't wait till tomorrow's episode! I didn't watch the season that he was on before..can't decide if he's sincere or not!
Your Pretty Woman date sounded amazing!! I love that show, so classic. Melting Pot is special for us too, first date spot and night he proposed!
Cute boots too!
Okay, feel kinda bad about what I said about Michelle, the truth is I hear they just edit things to make people to look anyway they want. So after hearing what you had to say i'm starting to wonder if she's not as bad as they've made her out to be!
Wow, I love your surprise date! You have such a thoughtful husband! I love opera. My dad is a musician and he works at the concert hall. He got us many times the tickets for operas and other concerts. It´s so much fun!
By the way, you are beautiful from the inside and outside!
What a great husband! And I love that part of Pretty Woman.
I love the Bachelor but that girl is out of her mind and scary! I'm glad your hubs never dated her, because she would have messed up his head forever! NUTSO!
Love your new boots and jeans, you big cutie!
I just love you to bits ... adorable new boots and a good sale too =)
I wonder if anyone will appreciate this as much as I did!:)
Hi! New to your blog! I haven't seen Michelle yet, as my Bachelor pile builds up in my DVR, but she cannot be prettier than you!! You are stunning! I am totally possessive/jealous when it comes to my hubby, too! I totally understand!
I would have loved those boots! Too bad they already got claimed! Your blog is adorable! I'm so glad I found it!
Michelle is a total nut job!
She's giving peeps in SLC a very bad reputation, too. Lame, Michelle. Very lame.
I also grew up with Michelle (known her since I was about 4) and I can tell you that she is beautiful inside & out. Although I have to admit that on the bachelor they make her out to be super crazy! So I can understand that people may not like her just from watching the show, but she really is a sweet, down to earth girl. Just thought I'd add my two cents : )
That is so awesome; small world!!
She is gorgeous. I'm a big fan of the Bachelor. Part of me has hope that he's in it for real this time.
Your hubby is such a sweetheart!
cute outfit like always!!
eek! Those boots were cute! How sweet that you got a date like that :) I love when our men know how to make us happy! I sprechen Sie Deutsches too, so I would've loved it.
that'll teach me not to take my sweet time commenting - oh well...we are pretty much the same size :D
I haven't been watching The Bachelor this season - I've sworn off it - but I see how they keep referring to Michelle as "Crazy Michelle" that can't be good - she is gorgeous though!
Yeah, that Michelle chick is annoying...and...well, bugs the heck out of me.
I think that Brad is way too cheesy for me. He always has nice things to say...he never says anything mean. Ever! That's not real.
But I think he is genuine in his quest!
oh, both my husband and i are already sucked into this season of the bachelor! :) that's so funny that you've met one of the contestants - she's quite the personality on the show!
We've got a melting pot right near us in downtown Minneapolis too! We're actually planning on going there when my parents visit in a few weeks! We're going to have a full 24 hours to ourselves (staying over-night at a downtown hotel!) while the grandparents stay at our house with the boys! YEAH!!
I don't think we'll make it to an opera - but mI think a local deuling piano bar called "The Shout House sounds super fun!
I love your 'one in, one out' philosophy, girl! And I love your generous giving spirit even MORE! How sweet of you to bless someone with your previous boots!
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