Before I reveal to you the first week of my 52 Weeks of Balance, I wanted to do a giveaway. So, because of my obsession with DE CLUTTERING, I've actually found some great things around my house that have NEVER been used, or just barely used, and thought I'd offer this whole bundle of stuff to one of YOU!!!
I've mentioned before that I love to get new purses about every 3 or 4 months, so this purse is in perfect condition. I bought it for $60, used it for a few months and now I'm ready for a new one :)
This hat is so cute, but I forgot I even had it. Never even been worn.
I hardly wore this cardigan.
Never been worn earrings.
Never been worn.
Never been worn, as you can see the tag is still on it. Bought it for $15 at American Eagle.
Hardly been worn.
I did wear this one a lot, but it still looks brand new :)
Okay, well here are all the perfumes I wore while pregnant, now I get nauseous every time I smell them. These were all my favorites at one time. Pregnancy can sure do some crazy things to ya.
- Juicy Couture Hair Shine Mist ( I really loved this stuff, you just spray it on your hair, and it makes it smell nice and gives it a great looking shine).
- Ralph Lauren Romance perfume
- Cucumber Melon Bath and Body Works body spray.
- Juniper Breeze Bath and Body Works body splash.
- Victoria Secrets Love Spell Shimmer perfume.
I barely used any of these.
Cookie Lee Necklace set, complete with ONE earring :) Okay the one earring is a joke, but I'm giving away the necklace that I hardly wore, lost the other earring somewhere.
This is a great book. I already read it so now I'm passing it on. It's called Cool Communication from conflict to cooperation for parents and kids.
I think all these things together is worth around $200!!! Not too bad eh. If you'd like to win this full package of stuff then leave a comment below. I'll be selecting a winner using and contacting the winner via email. So be sure to leave your email address if it's not public in a profile.
Now for any additional comments you can help me by doing some of the following. Leave a SEPARATE comment for each thing you do.
- Vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs (you can vote once per day and leave a new comment each time you vote).
- Become a "LIKER" of my Facebook Fan Page. Leave me a comment on my wall.
- Blog about this then leave me the link to it with your comment.
- Grab my button and add it to your sidebar.
Thanks so much everyone!!!!

ohoh oh pick me lol..... :) that purse is sooooo cute!!!
I have never posted a comment before, but I follow your fun posts on FaceBook. Cute stuff for sure! I know my little princess, who is 7, would love all those treasures..:)
CUTE giveaway!!!
I voted for you :)
I am already a 'liker' of your FB page. Does that count :)
I saw that you are #54... but I didn't see how to vote for you. I clicked on your number and it took me to your blog. Did that count? I love your blog! (and I'm not going to lie, that purse is pretty dang cute, too) And I already Like your FB page, too. Pick me! :)
I voted for you!
I've liked your FB page
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE everthing!! and I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please please please pick me!!! :):):) lol! i'm going to like your facebook right now..perhaps i will become a FB stalker, clicking "like" all day!
Oh, what a great idea! Hope I win!
I "liked" you on Facebook!
I am also de-cluttering. But I LOVE the saying one man's junk is another man's treasure! Not saying the fun stuff above is junk - but you get the saying! I love treasures! Hahaha
Clutter me up! :-) haha...I should be decluttering too instead of trying to get more stuff-but I can't pass up those cute things! That hat is adorable! Count me in...I just voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
And of course I already like you on FB!
I just liked you of FB!
Also, I've never considered myself a "pack-rat" but when I recently found a shirt I've had since my freshman year in high school (that I haven't worn since then, most likely) and half a bottle of shampoo I stuck under the bathroom sink because I was just so sure we would need it someday, I decided I may need to take a step back and re-evaluate my pack rat status.
I'm now planning to do some serious de-cluttering of my own.
What a fun idea. Love the jewelry.
I like balanced mom on face book.
I believe I voted. You are currently 53. That is awesome. Gotta get you to first.
just put your button on my blog.
Awesome!! I'd love to win :)
I left a comment on your FB wall :)!/pages/Balanced-Moms/256290319916?v=wall&story_fbid=436414724916&ref=mf
I voted for you on Top mommy Blogs :)
This is some great stuff!
Wowee! What a package! And what a fun idea. I wonder if I have anything worth giving away in my mess of a house!
You look great by the way!
LOVING that purse!
What a great giveaway! The purse is too cute!
I like you on facebook! This is a fabulous giveaway!
I buttoned up. With any luck, I'll button that cardigan up, too!
What a super fun giveaway idea! Your decluttering is our blessing =)
I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
Very fun giveaway!!! And I LOVE the purse!
I'm liked ya on Facebook :)
I love that pink purse!!!! Great giveaway. =)
my email is
I'm in serious need of a new purse that is hot like that one.
Your button is on my mom blog and my family blog.
Voted! Got to get you to the top.
I am loving that purse!
s.johnson1229 AT Yahoo DOT com
Voted for your blog!
s.johnson1229 AT Yahoo DOT com
Awesome giveaway!! :) Pick me!
And I liked you on facebook!
You have such a cute site! I've been visiting for a while, but this is my first comment. Hope I win all that cute stuff!
I voted for you!
I'm a Facebook Fan!
aewesome giveaway! I love it!
im a follower of your blog!
i like wanna b balanced mom and am a friend of yours on facebook
your button is on my blog underneath daily inspiration.
All of those items are beautiful!!!
I'm a loyal blog follower and facebook fan
I voted!
grabbed your button
I voted!
i voted for you!
facebook fan!
emily wyatt
grabbed your button
emily wyatt
I'd shank someone for the purse alone.
I voted
I became a liker
I commented on your wall
What a great idea for a give-away! I'm a BIG fan of de-cluttering!
What a perfect giveaway!! I liked your FB page.
I have also blogged about your giveaway on my blog.
Your button is also posted on my sidebar.
Ohhh Crystal what a fun post!! I adore all the items! I so need to go to that store and check out the purses- toooo cute!!!
Anyways, I voted for you again, already "like" on facebook :)
Love you girl!!!
i am not sure of the voting process but i did see that you are #53 and I did leave a comment on there as well.
I just voted for you!
I "liked" you on facebook and left a comment on your wall.
What a WONDERFUL idea!!! Very cute stuff and I need clothes and perfume BADLY!!! =)
Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!!!
I'm a follower on Facebook!
I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs! Love everything but especially the purse and jewelry!!
my email is
I "liked" you on facebook too!!
my email is
All right, I want to try to win. I need a new purse in a bad way. :)
Voted fo you.
Love this giveaway!
I'm a fan on FB
I voted for you Good Luck.
OH and my email is
I love the purse! Would love to win all of this! You've got excellent taste - I can't believe you're giving this all away!
Hey Crystal! Thanks for doing this giveaway! I voted on Top Mommy Blogs
I also liked your FB page
Way to go on the feature on SITS! Looks like a great prize!!! I am off to do all my various ways of entering. Wish me luck!
Your button is now on my blog at
Voted for you!
I'm a LIKER!
What a great idea! Love the purse and the last two bracelets!
Another day, another vote for you on Top Mommy Blogs!!! I would love to win that stuff!!! =)
Hey girl! You are too funny with your de-cluttering! Wanna come to my house and help me de-clutter? I really need it, bad.
Cute cute cute stuff! Love the cardigan and hat especially!
I voted for you.
voted -- please nudge me about this so I remember to do again
got ur button
I love the purse, very pink, I may have to beat my girls off it with a stick to be able to use it... Just kidding, very cool givaway though... God Bless..
I voted again on Top Mommy Blogs!!! =)
Um hello this is like the best giveaway ever so of course I voted!
What a GREAT bundle of STUFF!!! I want I want I want. :) Totally generous of you. Wow. Already 94 comments? I feel like I'm playing the Powerball on here. lol
the purse is too cute, I'm glad I stopped by don't want to miss out on this one ;)
I voted for you on tmb
fan of yours on fb as christy ola hayhurst and
I've got your button in my blog roll (right side)
Another vote on Top Mommy Blogs! =)
Just voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs. =)
Love your stuff. Sure hope to win!
What a lot of fun stuff - count me in!
I like you on FB!
Pick me, please!! I follow you, voted, l am about to like you (well I already liked you, but according to FB). :)
Fun giveaway, loving the jewlery!!
I'm a fan of you on Facebook!!
I voted for you! I live in the Logan area too!
this is such a great idea!! I think I need to de-clutter!
Getting closer to Thursday! Just voted for you again on Top Mommy Blogs!!!
liked you on FB!
voted on top mommmy blogs!
pick me! pick me! i love sooooooooo excited!
What a fun giveaway!
Like you on Facebook.
Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs.
Seriously in love with it all! Thanks girly! What a generous and amazing giveaway!
leoandchelle at yahoo dot com
I love, I mean like, your FB page!
leoandchelle at yahoo dot com
Voted for you, hun!
leoandchelle at yahoo dot com
You shop just like me :)
I have 16 year old twins that I give all my stuff too, and they adore it!
LOVE this giveaway! I'm a new follower and live very close to Scottsdale!
Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
I also "liked" your Facebook page
I added your button to my blog!
Voted for you again today! =)
I voted for you yesterday
I voted for you again today
I voted again for you today! I'm so excited...I hope I win!!! =)
I voted for you again today! =)
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