
12 Weeks And Counting

Hello my long lost friends!!!
I know I've been pretty much non existent these days, but I intend on getting back on the saddle. I just hit the 12 week mark (in my pregnancy) and have been feeling MUCH better. I seriously spent a good 6 weeks on my couch. So sick, so tired, and no motivation to do anything. I apologize for not responding to emails too. I plan on cleaning out my inbox today.

This past week I've been in St. George, furnishing and decorating our new house. I'm going to video tape it all today and give you a little peak at the progress we've made so far. Still lots more to do, but it's coming along.

Here is a fun picture Sean took of a little humming birds next in our front courtyard. We even have a little dove family in our backyard. We are sure enjoying it here and I'm absolutely LOVING the weather. It's been 80 degrees almost every day.

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Kristina P. said...

So fun! I can't wait to see pictures of it all decorated.

BTW, I did find a small black chandelier on Amazon, and we just hung it up last night. I love it. It works perfectly for the laundry room!

Heather said...

How neat is that!?! That little nest is so cute! I hope you're having a blast decorating-that can be so fun!

Mrs. K said...

Awww...that is too cute. I can't wait to see your video (and preggo pix too).

Verena said...

I was just thinking about you and was wondering how you are feeling. I´m glad you are starting to feel better.
This is such a cute photo of the little nest.

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

I can't wait to see more!!

Stephanie in Suburbia said...

Hey! I thought about you last week. Remembering how I was at 12 weeks not wanting to do much at all. Impressed you're decorating and back to blogging! Good for you!

Looking forward to the posts!

Cyndy Bush said...

I was just thinking of you too, I haven't been around much myself. Just so busy! I'm glad all is well, and that tiny nest is SO cute!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are having a great time! I love that nest!!! We have a lot of humming birds here but I've never seen a nest - so cute.

Rebecca Dot Com said...

Looks like you are a happily busy woman!!! :) dont feel bad, i didnt blog much in my first trimester ever :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for 12 weeks!!!!!!!!!

nicole said...

So glad you're feeling better Crystal!! I just love your blog and love you!! I've read over some of your past posts recently- and I just think you are amazing. Look forward to meeting you in person someday! :)

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

That is so neat! And congrats on the 12 weeks mark I'm glad you are feeling better! I've been wondering when we might hear from you! ;P

Jer + Lu said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!! And the new house too :) Lots of good things going on in your life. So happy for you!

Unknown said...

So glad you are feeling better!

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