
How Do You Feel?

I don't know about you but I am feeling SICK... sick from eating so much crap over the weekend. I'm sure I gained at least 5 lbs and feelin it in my jeans. 
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I'm getting ready to do a cleanse and thought I'd answer a few frequently asked questions about the program I do.

What do you DO when you're cleansing? Do you get to eat at all?

First of all, YES, you do get to eat on certain days. It starts out with 2 warm up days,  you'll be replacing 2 meals with the meal replacement shakes, and have one regular healthy meal around 400-600 calories. Then you'll start the 9 day with 2 days of cleansing where you'll basically just be on a liquid diet, drinking the cleanse juice provided in the 9 day Pak (it's not as hard as it sounds, with the amount of water you'll drink as well as the cleanse juice, surprisingly you won't be that hungry). Then you'll do 5 days of the shakes again (shake, meal, shake), then finish with another 2 cleansing days.

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Will I gain the weight back?

Yes, you will gain the weight back if you don't go on some sort of maintenance program or begin making regular cleansing part of your life. There is no such thing as a quick fix, cleansing should be done as often as every 3 to 6 months. Just like changing the oil in your car in order for it to run properly, so is it with the body.  I am not the type of person that can just eat perfectly for the rest of my life, I like to enjoy all the yummy foods this world has to offer, so I don't deprive myself. I have noticed that I crave less of the junk after cleansing though. As for the maintenance program, it's very simple, all I do is I start out each day with my yummy Isalean shake. It's quick and easy, and tastes great! Plus I just feel good when I have the shakes, it's the best way to start out my day, providing the body with all the nutrients it needs. I'm sure you all know that our food these days is not what it used to be. Our food is depleted of nutrients, which means we eat WAY more than we really need. Our body is only telling us it's hungry, because it's craving NUTRIENTS!

How will I feel during the cleanse? Nauseous, hungry, tired, headaches, ect? Will I be stuck to the toilette all day?

First of all, NO, you won't be stuck to the toilette, if anything you may experience a little constipation, but nothing a little magnesium can't fix :) Most people feel fine during the cleanse, but it's totally normal if you experience a minor case of any of the above. Just take it easy on cleanse days, drink lots of water, and take a nice relaxing bath. 

How much does it cost?

About $5 a meal, which I don't think is too bad considering what the average person is spending on consumable products. Think about the amount of money you're already spending each day on things you consume, Starbucks, Diet cokes, fast food, ect.  I've had people tell me that they've actually SAVED money when they were on a cleanse. Here is a great cost breakdown you can look at. Just click on it to enlarge.

The membership is just like a costco membership. Gives you access to all the wholesale prices for 1 year. You can go to to get all set up with your program. Watch the videos on the site, and click on GET STARTED if you'd like to give it a go.  

I'm going to leave you with some pretty interesting information on the HCG diet. These are documents so just click on it if the text is too small to read and it will enlarge.

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Only one more day to enter the $36 Effie's Heart Gift Card Giveaway! This could make a great Christmas gift too!


Fun And Balanced Friday~ Week #11

If you're new to Fun And Balanced Fridays, then start HERE.


Getting Ready For Christmas~ Part TWO

One thing Sean and I argue about this time of year, is WHEN to put up the Christmas tree. We had a little debate about putting it up BEFORE Thanksgiving but he's learned to follow the very wise quote, "Happy Wife, Happy Life" :) :) :)

Then he REALLY started to get into the Christmas spirit!!!


I found another company called Shutterfly that has a great selection of Holiday Cards. They are a little cheaper than the last one I posted about too. They happen to be the  #1 choice of professional photographers.
I didn’t order enough Christmas cards so I’m going to go with this company for the next batch. Here is the one I picked along with some information directly from their website. Just choose the card you want and upload your pictures, it's that simple.

•Store all your pictures on Shutterfly free of charge, safely—without limitations, or deletion.

•We do not shrink your original high-resolution images—giving you the best professional-quality prints and products in the industry.

•Instantly share your pictures online—friends can see them without signing up.

•Turn your pictures into personalized gifts—we’re #1 in quality, having won awards for our photo books, cards, and editing tools.

•We’ve got articles, videos and plenty of “How To” tips to support and inspire you.

•Pick up 4x6 prints at Target, Walgreens, and CVS in as little as an hour.

*If you have a blog and would like to receive 50 FREE cards then go HERE to see how.


One last thing before you go! I talked with Effie's Heart about changing the Giveaway Prize. I wasn't getting much response with the gloves, so we decided to just make it a $36 gift card instead. This way you can choose what ever you want. Shirt, Cabaret leggings, gloves, or whatever else you want on their website. Remember they offer free shipping anywhere in the US and this weekend for Black Friday, EVERYTHING is 30% OFF!!!!!!! To enter the giveaway, leave your comments  HERE.


Last year at this time I came up with a little schedule for the month of December and called it Gearing up for the new year. It's a whole 3 weeks of Christmas. If you'd like to check them out here is a link for each week.
Week #1
Week #2
Week #3



The other night as I was lying in bed I had an epiphany. Funny how all my great ideas or deep thoughts come while I'm desperately trying to fall asleep. I wish there was a switch somewhere so I could just turn my mind off.
Well anyway, as you all know I've been embarking upon a new ambition, one I've NEVER done before and am finding out I don't really have the talent for either. Trying to write a song has been so incredibly frustrating.
The other day I was feeling a little depressed about it,  I was thinking, gosh, why can't I do this? I know we all have different talents, and maybe I just need to accept that this is NOT one of mine...  but then again, I almost think that saying this is just a cop out.  We hear these lines all the time, I'm no good at that, it's not my specialty, not one of my gifts, ect.  Why do we also hear, " practice makes perfect"..." dream big"..." you can do anything you set your mind to"... "if you believe, you can achieve"...

So my thought is, WHY do I even WANT to do something like this? Why is the desire so strong? Just because I may not be gifted in this area, does it mean I shouldn't even TRY? Am I just wasting my time?  I guess my epiphany isn't so much an epiphany, but more like an unanswered question. Why are we told we all have different talents and gifts, but also told we can do anything we want to do.

A talent is a natural aptitude or skill,  meaning some things come easier for others.
So are we supposed to focus all our time and energy on the things that are easy? 

I don't think so...  Doing things that are hard are what build strength and character, right?

What do you think?  Is it better to just stick to what we're good at?


In Need of Some Inspiration... PLUS a Giveaway!

So guess what? Did you know that it's been a WHOLE year now since I started my blog? I really can't believe it!  179 posts, 65,000 visits, 485 followers, 860 facebook fans, and 3,764 comments later. Not that the stats really matter... okay, who am I kidding, the stats TOTALLY matter :) It's really what keeps me going, if I didn't have all the support of you guys then what would be the point. I might as well just keep a journal instead of a public blog. Really though, I am truly grateful for all your kind words of encouragement and advice. I've grown so much and learned so much over the past year, and I really have you all to thank.
Okay, so now the reason for the title of this post.  I must tell you, writing a song is FLIPPIN HARD!!! I'm not going to give up   no siree, but I have developed a whole new appreciation for song writers. I've been sticking to my commitment but I'm in MAJOR need of some inspiration. This whole process has been pretty discouraging, but as I persist I'm finding it a little easier... well not easier, but I guess a little less daunting.  This type of thing does not come easy to me, but I'm reminded of the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

"That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved."

And now for the giveaway!!!!
You all remember those cute Cabaret Leggings I got from Effie's Heart?
Well they have offered to sponsor a giveaway!!!!  We were going to have these leggings be the prize, but they are going so fast we didn't want to risk not having the right size left when the contest was over. So if you've been wanting to get a pair of these you better hurry up. They are offering FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the US.
They have so many other cute clothes and accessories that it wasn't hard to find something else for this giveaway. First let me share a little about them.

"For all modern women who yearn for the true glamour of yesteryear, Effie’s Heart has come to save the day. Kimo, founder of Effie’s Heart, has a lust for easy living, an appreciation of eclectic beauty, and a taste for the finer things of fashion’s past - all of which come together to bridge new fashion ground in Effie’s Heart.

As a fashion adventurist who believes in the accessibility of style, Kimo has created a line wearable by any modern woman who believes that comfort can be bed-mates with fashion. Using color palettes inspired by antique catalogs, art history, nature, and vintage clothing, Kimo has painted a fashion canvas that is both endearing and unique. Fighting against the forces of sameness that trend services push onto mass culture, Kimo would like to introduce Effie’s Heart to all those who believe there is still room for original inspiration."

This shirt is my favorite. I got it in black too!

Now for the giveaway PRIZE!!!
A $36 Gift Card!!!
Don't you just LOVE these gloves? They are called the East End Gloves. They are priced at $41 and they also have them in the Bay blue, same color as this shirt. I'm SO excited about my new stylish gloves, and now one of YOU can also have a pair. Just leave a comment here to be entered, you must be a follower of this blog or fan on Facebook in order to win. For more chances to win, you can leave additional comments by doing a few of these things below (leave a separate comment for each one you do). We appreciate your help in spreading the word. (Be sure to leave your email address with your comment if it's not already public in a profile)

This giveaway will end 11-30

Getting Ready For Christmas!!!

Yes, I said it, I'm getting ready for Christmas even before Thanksgiving. I've got my Christmas cards all ready to go...

I ordered my cards through Tiny Prints, they are a premier online stationery website that offers exclusive designs for birthday invitations, holiday greetings, baby shower invitations, and many other cards and stationery for many different life events. To see their full collection, visit: If you become a fan of their facebook page you can have access to a couple promo codes their offering right now. Here are a couple of my favorite Christmas Cards.

I've been burning some yummy Christmas scented candles...
You've got to try Stephanie Lee's Silent Night candle, SOOOO Yummy!!! And she's got a great shipping policy. All packages are a $10 flat rate, but she throws in $10 worth of extra candles to make up for the cost of shipping. So I got the 3 smaller candles for FREE! How nice is that? Visit her website at

We've pulled out the Christmas decor and have been watching The Santa Clause movie...

And thinking of gift ideas for the family...

This weekend through Monday My LDS Memories is having a sale with all photo book prices starting at just $15. They are regularly $35. They have a new photobook called My Family Proclamation. It combines many quotes from "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" by The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 


Fun And Balanced Friday~ Week #9

First of all, THANK YOU so much to everyone who entered my giveaway, I just love how supportive you all are. It's so much fun to help spread the word about these great products, and shops out there and I appreciate your participation with the giveaways. The winner is Candace @Candace Creations

If you're new to Fun And Balanced Fridays then you'll want to start HERE.


Lily's Bedroom Revealed!!!

Okay I finally got Lily's room completed. I had been searching for months for a little chandelier to be the finishing touch, either they were all WAY too expensive, or not the right color. I really wanted a black one,  but never found a black one that I liked, finally I just bought a white one from Home Depot and spray painted it black. It's just PERFECT now!!! I'm so excited about the way it turned out.  I did get a little inspiration online and mentioned this in my Cute Girls Bedroom post. This room is pretty much everything I dreamed of as a little girl.
If you're new here and would like to see other rooms in my house then click HERE.

I got these drapes from Target. First I got the clip rod rings, then I bought the sheer black, and a set of plain white drapes. Then I clipped them together with the rod rings and hot glued these pink flowers onto them.

I got this lamp at Target, added the ribbon and a crown broach to add a little bling :) 

For the frame, I just got a plain wooden one from the craft store, bought some scrapbook paper, cut it to fit, then added a little modge podge, painted the edges black and added the pink ribbon.

I bought these letters in white, but painted them black and hot glued the flowers and jewels onto them.

This little piece of furniture was left behind when we bought this house. I just painted it black, painted the knobs and hot glued the fleur de lis onto them.

I got this cute little night light from Target as well.
 This room is in the basement and has come a long way since we moved in. First we had to get new ceilings since had holes all over from renovating the kitchen. They had to get to all the pipes that way.
Fresh paint, new carpet, new windows, new light fixtures, outlet covers and changed out all the door knobs from gold to a nice brushed bronze.

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