Can I just tell you..... I LOVE laser. I get laser on my face, laser on my chest, laser hair removal on my legs, and someday will be brave enough to get the laser eye surgery.
I can't believe I'm revealing my secret! This aint natural beauty you're lookin at, lol. It's all thanks to the wonderful invention of, "THE LASERS". No, actually, to be honest, I haven't seen the kinds of results I was hoping for. But then again, I thought after one treatment on my face, I would look like the airbrushed models you see in magazines. So, I guess my expectations may have been a
little high. Like I said before, I'm a sucker. I'm openly admitting that I will believe anything. Oh how the sales people love me. If any of you need information on these kinds of procedures, I'm you're gal. I've been suckered into every possible treatment you could imagine. The reason why I'm writing about this, is because I actually had a treatment done today. I was tempted to post a picture of what my face looks like right now, but then decided I'm not ready to expose myself so openly....
yet. Be sure to follow my future posts, you may be surprised. So anyway, I was getting this treatment today, and as I was laying there in agonizing pain, letting the laser have it's way with me. I thought to myself, is this really worth it? How vain am I? That I'm willing to put myself through this kind of pain, all in the name of beauty. But then later today, I'm holding my son in one arm as he's smearing a mixture of spaghetti sauce and snott into the shoulder of my shirt. With my other arm, trying to clean up dinner and do the dishes. In the mean time my daughter's off covering herself with stamps, and scattering the coloring books and markers all over the kitchen floor. By the time I was able to get everything cleaned up, the kids bathed and into bed. I was anxious to settle into bed with my laptop and begin writing my thoughts. And I came to the conclusion that, YES, it is worth it. It may be a little painful, okay, ALOT painful, but it makes me feel good, and I deserve a little painful pampering, right? And this is my sad attempt to justify it all, and prove that I'm not
that vain, lol. But hey, the first step to overcoming an addiction, is to recognize that you have one. And that is exactly what I'm doing. I plan to quit, I really do. Just as soon as I get my tummy tuck, face lift, and butt lift.
Okay, so just wanted to be clear, that you all know that I was exaggerating a bit in this post. I'm really not that obsessed, lol. My main focus, is really about finding a balance. I know it is easy to get carried away with this kind of stuff, but I really just want to be a well rounded person. Beauty is not all I care about, I believe that moderation is the key. I know there is much more to life. We are all going to get old eventually, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. One of my favorite quotes from Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley is when he talks about his wife, in his book, Standing For Something."As I looked at her across the table one evening recently, I noted the wrinkles in her face and hands. But are they less beautiful? No; in fact, they are more so. Those wrinkles have a beauty of their own, and inherent in their presence is something that speaks reassuringly of strength and integrity, and a love that runs more deeply and quietly than ever before".