
Wannabe Lean Challenge

I'm so excited to reveal all the details for our Wannabe Lean Challenge this month. This is the perfect time of year to get back on track with healthy eating. The number one New Year's Resolution goal is to lose weight! So come on, let's do this together.  I'm giving away $100 Visa Gift Card to one of you lucky ladies. I want to add more incentive in order to motivate you all to achieve your best results possible. I will randomly select a winner at the end of the month from all who participate. See the Rafflecopter below for the 4 ways to enter. Be sure to use the hashtag #wannabelean when ever you post anything about being healthy, fit, losing weight, ect. I want to check out all your cool inspiring pics and this is the best way for me to see them all. Even better, you can tag me in them!!! Also by using the hashtag you will be able to connect with other women participating in this challenge. We're creating a positive supportive community by liking and commenting on each others pics. We need regular encouragement from one another so this will help us all find and follow one another on the different social media platforms.

Step #1

Take your before pictures!!! You might not be too thrilled about doing this, but trust me, you will be SO happy you did once you have your AFTER pics to compare them too. I did NOT enjoy looking at these pics of my post baby belly, but I knew that my hard work and determination would pay off.
(For information on the 30 Day Nutritional Cleansing program I use, message me for details. You can find all the ways of contacting me in the top right hand corner of my blog.)

Step #2

Make sure you have downloaded the free Periscope app. Create a profile then look me up and follow so that you can catch my regular Periscope videos. I love to share tips and tricks on losing weight and staying fit and healthy. You will also be doing your OWN weekly Periscope videos. I will provide a list of prompts you can choose from if you're not sure what to talk about.

Step #3

Use this daily and weekly checklist.


  • Watch the affirmations video. It's important that you listen to, watch, and or read positive affirmations DAILY. We want to instill these beliefs and healthy habits within our brain to power us through each day. The mind is incredibly powerful so lets start at the source of success, our BELIEFS! This affirmations video I created covers everything you should be doing each day, including the practice of good posture, drinking lots of water, avoiding sweets, getting physical exercise, plenty of rest, eating slowly, ect. 


  • Do your Periscope video. I know you may be a little nervous about the idea of doing your own Periscopes, but lets step out of our comfort zones and try something new. Read my Wannabe Fearless post for information on how to get started on Periscope and a list of prompts you can choose from. If you're in the Wannabe Balanced Facebook group then you can start connecting with this amazing group of women who are so very supportive. Let us all know your Periscope handle so that we can follow you and support you by watching your Periscope videos. Use a prompt I have provided for you, or choose your own. But be sure to always start by introducing yourself briefly, share your health & weight loss goals and progress. The purpose of this is to help hold you accountable and to feel the support from other women doing this Wannabe Lean challenge.
  • Meal prep
  • Plan your work outs!!!
  • Reward yourself! You deserve a little mini gift for a job well done. Go get a pedicure, buy some new workout shoes, outfit, headphones, music, water bottle, ect. The reward could even be something simple like getting a sitter to watch the kids while you take a nice long bath with lavender and candles. How nice does that sound. Give yourself something to look forward to, something HEALTHY though. Try to avoid rewarding yourself with treats. 

Sprouted Lentil Patties

Talk about pure perfection right here.  As part of my New Years Resolutions I'm trying to encorporate more cultured foods and sprouted seeds, beans and grains into my daily diet.

I'm learning so many wonderful things about cultured foods from this new book I'm reading. I may or may not be going a tad overboard with it. I tend to do that when I get excited about something.

 "Fermentation is an art form and each individual cultured food is, in and of itself, unique. These three foods (kefir, Kombucha and fermented veggies) each provide different good bacteria and yeasts that enhance the trillions of bacteria in the body and allow them to thrive, grow, and multiply. This allows you, the host, the opportunity to heal disease, remove pathogens, enhance digestion, make serotonin, and experience a multitude of other opportunities for healing that otherwise would not have been possible. This is what I call ~ The Trilogy"
-Donna Schwenk

And as far as sprouting goes:

"Sprouting is a process that germinates grains, seeds or legumes which in turn makes them more easily digested and produces additional vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin B and Carotene. Another benefit to sprouting and soaking is the resulting decrease in phytic acid. Phytic acid is an enzyme inhibitor, which means that it blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals and can also cause poor digestion and an unhealthy gut. This may explain why many people feel bloated, gassy or intolerant of beans and grains.”

Now for the simple instructions for making this amazing concoction. 

First I started with fermenting my own bell peppers in garlic and in a separate jar I did red cabbage. Also made my own Kefir. If you're new to cultured foods I would recommend starting with Kefir. It's the easiest one to make and only takes a day. All you need is milk, a glass container and some Kefir grains. You can get them HERE on Amazon. You can learn how to make all kinds of fun cultured foods from THIS book.

Then I soaked the lentils in water for a day. Rinsed them well and set out on the counter for another day (cover with a paper towel or cheese cloth to keep dirt and bugs out). 

Once the lentils begin to sprout that means they are ready. Simply blend about two and a half cups of the lentils with about 1/4 cup tomato sauce (I hate measuring, I usually just eye ball it), garlic powder, salt, pepper, other seasonings of choice and one teaspoon of gluten free flour (I used brown rice four). 

Heat some coconut oil in a skillet, then spoon the mixer into the pan (use the spoon to flatten and shape into patties). Cook until golden brown and flip. 


Make kefir cheese by placing a colander in a bowl. Place a coffee filter in the colander, then pour the kefir into the filter and let sit in the fridge for a few hours but for best results let sit overnight. This process will remove the liquid whey from the kefir creating a nice thick sour cream like consistency.

The Kefir whey is actually what you use to start your veggie fermentation. So save the whey in the fridge for when you're ready to begin your cultured vegetable journey.

Then once you have your kefir cheese just add a little fresh dill, garlic powder and salt. AMAZING I TELL YA!!!!


My Daily Diet

I get lots of requests to share what my daily diet looks like so I'm about to explain it all. If you're looking to lose weight or simply maintain, this is the post for you.

First of all I highly recommend doing a CLEANSE about every 3 to six months. 

Why? Because you come in contact with toxins EVERY day. It's like changing the oil in your car. In order to keep your body running smoothly it must be cleansed periodically. PLUS, a healthy body craves healthy food. So if you're struggling with unhealthy food cravings, then give cleansing a try and you'll discover how much easier it will be to say no to your Diet Coke and cookies. 

Then most importantly, you MUST consume the proper balance of nutrition. Now I know life is busy and its next to impossible to create all your meals from scratch. That's why I drink at least one meal replacement shake a day. I like to drink THIS one because it comes from grass-fed cows in New Zealand. Their whey is also undenatured, which essentially means it isn't overheated and the nutrients and enzymes aren't depleted from it. 

HERE is my Amazon list of health food items I purchase regularly

Watch my video for a complete run down of what I eat every day and how I prep for the week. If you fail to prepare then prepare to fail. That's all there is to it. 


Two Day Clear Skin Plan

Breaking out? Don't know why or what to do about it? I hear ya. The STRUGGLE IS REAL!!!

I've been trying to break up with breakouts for 20 years now. I thought I would grow out of it once I left my teenage years. Nope! Here I am, 34 years old and still experiencing breakouts. Although I have yet to find a cure, I HAVE learned a few things over the years. I've learned what causes my breakouts and how to battle it naturally WITHOUT medication and harsh chemicals. 

Unfortunately the breakouts come every month like clock work. Those dang hormones. Soooo not only do I get hormonal acne, but dear aunt flow always triggers my sweet overindulging on foods I KNOW irritate my skin. Talk about double edge sword. So not fair!!!!

Once I get past the hormonal cravings and emotional roller coaster, which contributes to STRESS breakouts.  Then I'm left with some tokens of remembrance from sweet Aunt flow.

When this happens I quickly fall back on my "two days to clear skin" game plan.

Click HERE to find my Amazon list of natural products I generally use.


It's important that you BELIEVE that your skin will clear up. Your mind is a very powerful tool. Use it!!!

My Clear Skin Affirmation 

I'm going to clear up my skin in 2 days with this game plan.
  • Drink lots of lemon water
  • Drink Cleanse Juice 2 oz. twice daily
  • Drink Chlorofresh in water
  • No caffeine, no sugar, no dairy, and no wheat!
  • Eat lots of greens!!!
  • Lots of Cucumbers and celery
  • Use as many natural products as possible, even your deodorant.
  • Only mineral make-up
  • Witch Hazel, coconut oil, and Kombucha
  • Oil pulling
  • Baking soda and lemon juice mask
I believe I have the power and control over the health of my skin. I will follow through with this program and my skin will be radiant and clear in no time. I'm healthy, happy, and in control of my actions. I'm beautiful and will have clear skin in 2 days!!!!

My Favorite Amazon Products

I'm sure many of you are like me and are frequent Amazon shoppers. Seriously these peeps are brilliant!!!! To shop from your phone, with free shipping AND have it arrive in two days in a box with a great big smile on it! YES PLEASE!!!!

Well since you can pretty much find ANYTHING on Amazon I thought I'd share a list of my recent and regularly purchased items. Click HERE to see it all.


December Challenge

Wannabe Balanced Challenge

This month I want to really focus on being balanced and enjoying every moment. Each day we will post a picture on our Instagram and or Facebook accounts that applies to the daily prompt. Of course I hope we will all continue being consistent on Periscope because we don’t want to get out of practice. So you choose which days you want to Periscope but for sure post a picture on facebook/instagram each day. Elaborate a little and share your thoughts or a positive quote to go with your picture. Use the hashtag #wannabebalanced so that we can easily find each others posts and can support one another by liking and commenting. If you're new to our challenges then I'd highly recommend you start with our Wannabe Fearless Challenge first.

Instead of stressing out and over doing it on the treats, take one step toward staying healthy physically and mentally this month. Get FREE daily inspiration from me, your fellow Wannabe Balanced Mom. 

How it works:

1. Use the daily prompts to inspire you. 

2. Inspire US with your pics, and or thoughts.

3. Share on Facebook, Instagram, or even Periscope using the hashtag #wannabebalanced (November Wannabe Fearless challenge had 1k people talking about it!)

4. Encourage balance in others with likes + thoughtful comments. (most supportive tribe of women here)

5. Share this post on Facebook, or share this picture on Instagram so you can help your friends and family stay a little more balanced this month. Also, Join our Facebook group Wannabe Balanced for more support and inspiration throughout the year. 

  1. ·      Selfie: Tell us a little about you.
  2. ·      What are you reading?
  3. ·      Push yourself really hard in your fitness routine. Sweat!!!
  4. ·      Focus on mindfulness today. Enjoy the present, practice mindful listening and eating.
  5. ·      Go on a long run.
  6. ·      Write in your journal.
  7. ·      Meal prep for the week.
  8. ·      Call a friend or send a hand written letter.
  9. ·      De-clutter a space in your house.
  10. ·      Spend 10 minutes meditating. Eyes closed, doing and thinking about NOTHING. Set your timer.
  11. ·      Write out some positive affirmations today.
  12. ·      Make a colorful salad.
  13. ·      Wake up early.
  14. ·      Do something different with your husband.
  15. ·      Share a childhood memory.
  16. ·      Share a healthy treat.
  17. ·      Do something festive and fun with the kids.
  18. ·      Say a 10 minute prayer.
  19. ·      Do a service project with your kids.
  20. ·      Show us a DIY project.
  21. ·      Wrap presents
  22. ·      Have a family movie night with pop corn and hot cocoa.
  23. ·      Get bundled up and play outside with your kids.
  24. ·      Share a tradition.
  25. ·      Show us your Christmas morning aftermath.
  26. ·      Do Yoga.
  27. ·      Write down your game plan for 2016
  28. ·      Go to bed early
  29. ·      Listen to a podcast
  30. ·      Best bit of today.
  31. ·      Last moment of 2015

Great Gift Ideas For Your Kids

My kids just LOVE all the products that offers. They have mermaid fins, shark fins, and now they have great cuddly options!


Wannabe Fearless Challenge

15 Days of Overcoming Fear! 

Most people are afraid of speaking in front of people and being on camera. My goal with this challenge is to help you overcome that fear by stepping out of your comfort zone and doing daily Periscope videos. For those of you who have never heard of Periscope, well it's pretty much where all the cool people are hanging out these days.  No seriously though, it's an incredible new platform that allows you to teach and share messages via live video streaming. All you need to do is download the free app, create a profile, and start searching for people to follow. You can find me at 

Then simply start doing your own videos using this list below.
Day 1. Introduce yourself briefly
Day 2. Tell us your hobbies and or talents.
Day 3. What are your long-term goals and passions?
Day 4. Tell a story of when you pushed yourself to do something, even though it was scary.
Day 5. Share a helpful tip for moms.
Day 6. What are your fears?
Day 7. Tell us about your favorite motivational speaker and or book?
Day 8. Share one of your life altering experiences and what you learned from it.
Day 9. Give us a tour of your home.
Day 10. What is your favorite, can’t live without, product?
Day 11. Share your favorite recipe.
Day 12. What is keeping you from fulfilling your dreams?
Day 13. What are some of your greatest accomplishments?
Day 14. Tell us how you met your husband.
Day 15. Share an embarrassing moment.

If you would like to join in on this challenge and receive incredible support and followers, then let me know by leaving a comment below, or go join our Facebook group called Wannabe Balanced. Everyone is welcome!!!

Just be sure to use the hashtag #wannabefearless as part of your title and share your videos on Facebook and Twitter. I would love to support you through this challenge by watching your videos. I've recently done this challenge with a great group of women and it was amazing to witness the growth in just 15 days. 

Reasons why Periscope is so great:

*Huge time saver! Doing daily Periscopes is much faster than daily blog posts. Being a mom of 4 small children doesn't really allow much extra time. So I Periscope daily and blog when I can. 

*Great way to practice your speaking skills. It's a little nerve racking at first, but I can see how much I've improved over the last few months since starting. 

*If you are building a brand or business, it's a great way to teach and share information in a more personal way. People can SEE you and hear your voice. It humanizes you. 

*Since you are live and people are able to comment, it just feels like you're face-timing with friends. You can get instant feedback and answer questions on the spot. 

*It's great self talk and a way to voice your positive affirmations and at the same time lifting others.

So come on everyone! Let's work at overcoming fear one day at a time.

UPDATE!!! Just did my 200th Periscope!!!J Here's a quick look back over the past 6 months of scoping! I started Periscoping as a way to overcome the fear of speaking in front of people, develop better communication skills and to just share the messages of my heart. I can honestly say that I DID overcome my fear and have seen a huge improvement in my overall speaking skills. Periscope has been great practice and I appreciate you all who have been so supportive throughout this growing process!!!


Homeschooling VS Public Schooling

Hey Everyone!
If you’re new here, please make sure to leave a comment telling me who you are and where you’re from.

Today I am going to talk about my experience with home schooling. Most of you know that I no longer home school. I did it for a good solid 2 years, then I tapered off.  I started doing public school AND home school. I really think that's the way to go because you get the best of both worlds.
The public school in our area was very supportive of home schooling and pretty much agreed to let me bring my kids to school how ever often I wanted, which is the way it SHOULD be right? I mean, they are OUR children after all. So they would go to public school for part of the year when we were down in Southern Utah, St. George. Then the other half of the year in Salt Lake City, Northern Utah, I would home school them.
So every time we came back to Salt Lake, we would check them out of school and do home school for a couple months while we were up North. It was perfect!
This is the first year that I will be doing public school the entire year. We started school in St. George, and now we are in a public school in Salt Lake. They have adjusted just fine and so far it seems to be working out. They love the fact that they get to ride the bus now, You know, the important things.

Let me tell you why I chose to home school in the first place. Basically what happened was, Lily started Kindergarten. It was kind of a wake up call for me. I was like, “Oh my gosh, the time really IS going fast.” People always tell you to cherish those times with your kids because it goes by so quickly.  The fact that Lily would now be going to school every day really freaked me out.  I was worried I didn’t teach her enough or spend enough time with her.  I didn’t want to have any regrets.
During Lily's first month of kindergarten at public school, is when I started having those thoughts.  I started researching everything about home school.  One night I met up with a bunch of home schooling moms so that I could ask them all my questions. I decided right then and there that this was what I wanted. 

 She ended up getting sick like the next day which was just perfect timing. I jumped right into home schooling and I didn't even tell her we were officially homeschooling.  She never asked about when she was going back to school so I just went with it. 
We went on field trips, read lots of books, did crafts and art projects. Those are the things that I wanted to do together.  I felt best and most fulfilled about myself as a mother when I was home schooling. I was really giving it my all and I was proud of myself. It was a great year. We had so much fun family time with no distractions from friends.
Then the second year came along, it was equally as beautiful, if not, more so because I was preparing for a natural home birth, with Brooklyn, my third baby. It was so amazing that Lily got to be so much a part of that pregnancy. She went with me to all of my appointments, got to hear the baby’s heart beat and learn about the process of the baby growing inside me. Those times were moments that I will cherish forever. She got to be there when Brooklyn was born, and all day, everyday with her new born baby sister. I just loved it and felt so happy and content.

Towards the end of that school year is when I started to get overwhelmed. Brooklyn wasn’t sleeping so much during the day, and Oliver wasn’t napping anymore. The nap time is what gave Lily and I time to spend and focus on school work.
I ended up putting Lily in public school the last month of her first grade year, basically for me and for her because I wanted her to have these experiences. The end of the year is all fun and games so I wanted her to go on field trips and have "hat day" and "pajama day" and enjoy all the fun parties and games they do at the end of the school year. 
Then the third year came, I was like, “Okay…what am I going to do? I am really stressed.” Brooklyn was 18 months and that’s a busy time right? So I felt a little worried that I couldn’t handle it. I knew that I was capable of handling it, and I know many other moms do it with more kids and more babies. I just didn’t feel that I was up for the challenge. So I put her in public school for that third year but still home schooled her a few months of that year when we were up North. 
Then I got pregnant with my fourth baby, Owen, and life continued to get busier. I even quit blogging because I got too busy. I just felt that I was going to pull my hair out.  I didn't have time to do everything I needed and wanted to do.  I had to let some things go. So even though I totally believe in home schooling, and I love it.  I'm just at a point where I feel like maybe I’ll come back to it sometime, but for my own sanity, I have to be okay with putting them in public school.

So now I am taking it one year at a time. I pride myself in having leadership qualities, but to be completely real, I’m not always a leader. The natural side of me wants to fit in, I love being social and love being in social settings. Its just a big part of me I guess. For me to be the only one in the neighborhood (in Salt Lake and in St. George) home schooling, it was really tough on me. I wanted to fit in. I didn’t like the feeling I was having among my friends. They didn’t intentionally leave me out, but it just happens. 
I just always felt a little awkward talking about home schooling. I didn’t ever want to come across self-righteous, or that I thought I was better than anyone.   I believe that we as mothers know whats best for our children.

I feel that if more people were home schooling, it would be much easier for ME. I could see myself pushing through the chaotic part of home schooling if I had more people in my close neighborhood who were doing it as well.
I loved home schooling, and I love public school for all the reasons that I mentioned. I didn’t home school when I was growing up, so I had great memories of being in public school and elementary.  If anything, I would skip the junior high years, and hopefully I can talk Lily into home schooling for junior high. Those were not good years and I hope to protect her from of all the negative influences. 
Lily and I butt heads naturally. Kindergarten and first grade were great, but as she is getting older, it’s becoming more difficult. She is more willing to do her work for her teacher, but not so co-operative when I ask her to do. I don’t enjoy doing the school work, I want to do the fun stuff.  The creative art projects, and field trips. Time together was my motivation behind home schooling.  It wasn’t because I felt I could give my kids a better education, or because I wasn’t impressed with the teachers, or the classes or the school system. It had nothing to do with that. It was simply the fact that I wanted to make sure that I had that TIME with my kids while they are still young and actually WANT to be with me.
I can see myself home schooling Owen and Brooklyn when they get to that age. Because I love those beginning years of kindergarten and first grade, and its something that I can handle, education wise.  I mean, I was getting a little confused with the 3rd grade math, its really sad to say, but some of the stuff…I don’t know if I'm even qualified to teach.
I have definitely gained a lot more respect for teachers through this experience. It is kind of nice to hand that responsibility over to the public school so that I can focus on the fun stuff, like life lessons and spiritual growth. When it comes to math and grammar, that’s just not fun for me.

I didn’t even use a curriculum. Kindergarten  and first grade is pretty easy to figure out. You get a bunch of work books and do a lot of reading and writing.  It was stressful for me having that weight on my shoulders, trying to make sure that they are learning everything they need to know.

If I had to give anyone advice in going the home school route, I would see if you could do both?  I love home school AND public school for different reasons.

It’s hard to balance it all and I know we are just trying to be the best moms that we can be. Hopefully we will look back on this time without any regrets.


Sick And Tired

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Weight loss has become a subject too commonly spoken of over the past decade. Things are shifting though.  We are becoming a more health conscious society rather than a "being skinny" obsessed people. Don't get me wrong, losing weight is still a priority for most women, especially moms. We put our bodies through so much in order to bring these little babies into the world. Then we pretty much devote all of our time and energy into raising them. Needless to say, it takes a tole on our bodies and our health. More and more we are realizing that our health can NOT be put on the back burner while we raise our children. Our health is exactly what will power us through the many hours required for caring for our family.
Weight loss is great, but health is essential. That's why I'm so passionate about Nutritional Cleansing!  Because it's not just another diet that we do for a week then fall back to our old eating habits. It's a lifestyle change that everyone can do. Just give it a week and you will see what happens. It's the perfect way to jump start better eating habits. You will first cleanse out all the toxic junk that you're body has become addicted to. Diet coke, fast food, energy drinks and sugar. Then you really are starting fresh. A clean slate. You will be amazed at how much easier it will be to do a whole 30 program, or go gluten free, or to get off that diet coke completely.

When I first did this program back 11 years ago. I had gotten to a point where I basically lost hope that I would ever be able to lose weight and keep it off. I had tried EVERYTHING! But what I didn't know back then is that we are ALL toxic. It's the sad truth but we are exposed to so many chemicals whether we like it or not. Our air is polluted, our water is polluted, our food is not only polluted but it is depleted of nutrients. These are all facts that I've learned over the years. There are multiple documentaries surrounding the subject. Sadly the majority of us are going about our lives in ignorance, just trusting the masses but not realizing that we all need to take reaponsibility and be proactive about our Health and get EDUCATED.
We wonder why we don't feel good, can't lose the weight, or overcome addictions. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Like I said, I did my first cleanse 11 years ago before I even had kids. I was amazed with my results, but still believed that I would eventually gain the weight back. I was able to lose a total of 25 lbs and go from a size 10 to a 5. That's even smaller than I was in high school. So, as time went on and I remained consistent with the program, I never did gain any weight back. Now after having 4 kids I'm STILL back in my size 5 jeans. It's seriously a dream come true!

Here were my very first before and after pics.

And here are my most recent ones after baby #4

The weight loss is just an exciting side benefit to cleansing the body. Other things you will notice when cleansing out the junk is, getting a handle on your food cravings, increased energy, stamina, and mental clarity. We have coached thousands of people through a 30 day program and have seen all kinds of amazing results. What it all comes down to is the simple fact that it WORKS and that's why my husband and I have been able to achieve tremendous success financially. We are living our dream all because we continue to share what we KNOW with others.

Click HERE to get started on your 30 day program!!!

Watch this awesome 5 minute video called "ARE YOU TOXIC?"

Let's Get Social NOT on Social Media

  I want to set a couple goals.  I'd like to do something DAILY that is out of my comfort zone. I want to be more social and outgoing when I'm out and about. I want to pay attention to others instead of just focusing on what I need to get done.  I'm generally a pretty social person. But what you don't use you lose! Being a mom of 4 small children makes it easy to just stay home and work on the millions of things on my "to do" list.

  Many of us, including myself, have gotten so comfortable communicating through a key board and we've become a little socially awkward. Don't get me wrong, I love Facebook and Instagram.  But lets keep the real life communication alive. Let's type less and TALK more! Let's get social, NOT on social media. So I want to get out more. Get back to my high school roots. I was a social butterfly back then and my mom could NOT keep me home.  I always wanted to be out among people. 

 Reasons why I feel it is important to be social:

#1. We NEED people. We all have the deep desire within us to have relationships, connect with others, to love and to be loved. 

#2.  People need YOU!!! God has made us all unique with different gifts and talents that were meant to be shared. Maybe your gift is the gift of compassion, or understanding. Or maybe you're a good listener. Maybe you have a story that other people need to hear. Perhaps what you say or do is an answer to someone's prayer. I believe that most answers to prayers come through another individual. So how can we BE an answer to someone's prayer if we are never around?

#3. It gives us PURPOSE. For the two reasons above, being social gives us purpose. We can wake up each day with the attitude, "who can I serve today?"  Sharing a piece of ourselves with others is the way to true joy and fulfillment in life. 

   A few weeks ago I learned of this amazing new platform called Periscope. It's a way to share messages via live video streaming. Another thing I'm not so comfortable with, is speaking in front of people. We all know that things get easier with repetition. So I feel like doing a Periscope video each day will help me overcome that fear, and to share the messages in my heart. It's much easier to NOT blog and periscope, but that is not going to help me grow. Also, I will be missing out on the opportunity to share my story and gifts with others. 

  Ultimately my goal is to become the best version of me. And that won't happen if I'm not pushing myself to do uncomfortable things. 

   So I want to challenge everyone to do this with me. This isn't about ME, it's about US. Lets do something uncomfortable every day! 

  I'd love to watch YOUR videos on Periscope, so please let me know if you are doing videos of your own so that I can be sure to follow you. This way I will be notified when you are live. 


Time Saving Tips for Moms

So much to do and so little time. How is it possible to fit everything we need to do into one day? 

It's not possible, because a women's work is NEVER done!  All we can do is work smart and be happy with what we ARE able to do.

Although our "to do" lists are never ending, we must keep our priorities straight. This is something we will constantly need to evaluate (see video at the end of this post). It's so easy to get caught up in less important things. That's why I believe we need to be praying constantly that our priorities and goals are inline with God's will.

People are constantly asking me how I have the time to do what I do. This is a question us moms are ALWAYS asking each other, right?  For some reason we tend to think other moms are doing it better, or doing more than we are.  First of all, lets STOP comparing ourselves. I know this is hard. I'm constantly doing it myself. We need to just focus on doing OUR best, and that should be enough.

Today I'm going to share some tips as well as reveal to you that I am NOT super women. I'm just like you. I try, I fail, I get tired and overwhelmed. My house is not always clean, kids are not always bathed, and homework is not always done.  I sometimes yell and get mean which is a sign I MAY be obsessing a little too much on keeping the house clean, or getting carried away doing a project and have no tolerance for interruptions, which is impossible when you have kids. So just know, that I too struggle.

Now let's get down to business. These tips are a compilation of my own as well as my lovely Facebook and Instagram friends who commented on my post last week. Thank you all for your awesome tips! They were so helpful for me.


"Stop watching TV. Sometimes we still have the TV on at night, but I don't actually watch it. I snuggle with my kids and work on my phone if they are watching something. I started building my side businesses and have continued running 3 side companies during the time most people watch TV. I don't miss TV at all and I get a great return from those few hours a week."
-Abbey Karel

This is a great tip! I don't usually watch TV, but at night Sean and I do like to watch about 30 minutes together to help us unwind from the day. I know for some, the TV gets you wired, but for Sean and I it helps us turn our brains off. You know what they say, "watching TV will turn your brain to mush", haha.


"I always have my kids help with daily chores. Moms think they have to do everything. They don't. My kids are amazing with helping. My youngest who is 8, folds 1 load of laundry and puts away on everyone's beds, this is daily. That way my laundry does not stack up. It is done fresh out of the dryer. Only takes him about 15 min.

We also eat on paper plates at dinner, clean up is quick and easy. And done before I know it. My oldest helps me sweep and mop the house. Usually once a week. Right now I am currently dusting. With my kids helping me with light chores I am able to workout at night once they go to bed, and this gives me more time to relax with them when they get home from school. I mix veggies a lot of times to make it one side that is cooked and then the main course. It saves on dirtying dishes.
My oldest prepares all trash and takes to the road the night before of trash day. Usually, right before his shower time.
My kids both make their own lunches. They are allowed one sweet snack, then fruit and cheese. This lets them choose what they want. They both put them in the fridges along with their ice packs.

We live in the country so my youngest rides the bus oldest drives. Every morning I make the cereal, it is ready for them when they are ready. I don't pour milk till they sit down. Every night they make sure their room is neat and lay out their clothes. It keeps from a hassle of a messy bedroom. FYI - my kids got smart! Their beds are made at all times! The sleep on their made beds with a blanket, lol! I just can't do that, but that's how they roll!"

-Oliver Kelsey

"It took me a couple of years to realize that my kids are capable of helping out around the house. I used to do it all and I was burned out! I can't tell you how teaching my kids to empty the dishwasher or keep their rooms clean will free up my day. They are much more capable than I gave them credit for!"  
-Adrienne O'Brien 

 "Starting when my kids were young and teaching them to be self-sufficient has been one of my greatest time-savers and one of my greatest joys. I always kept them with me when they were little, and they had fun helping me with cooking, gardening and other chores. When they were older and the tasks didn't seem as fun anymore, they still did chores using a chore chart system. One of their "chores" was to look for something that needed to be done and do it. When their chores were finished they had to ask, "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" Now that they are all in high school, they have completely internalized what they learned when they were young. I love walking into the kitchen and seeing them cleaning up without being asked. Or seeing them do their own laundry without me telling them to. Often times, Marc and I will come home from a business trip, and the house will look like we never left. Not only have we taught them how to cook, clean and sew, but we've taught them how to do Quickbooks, spreadsheets for our taxes and other office work. They are all extremely bright and talented... and self-sufficient. AND ready for the real world. All that to say... it's completely worth it to spend time with your kids and teach them! So rewarding in every way."
-Jeannie Schulman


This is definitely one of THE most important tips! Having the ENERGY to move fast and be productive is key. Mental Clarity and being able to focus definitely contributes to the amount of things you are able to check off your list. You all know how passionate I am about health and nutrition, it's become my mission in life. I want to educate people on the importance of what goes into our bodies. Please email me if you are interested in learning more about what I do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can also comment on this post and I will be sure to get back to you.

"I think eating well (clean, energizing foods) are also key in making sure we have enough fuel and energy to navigate through our days. Eating junk adds stress and burnout!"
-Jennifer Glydon 


Always make double or triple when ever making meals, then freeze the rest for another night later in the month. 

It's the best feeling when my fridge looks like this! All stocked and meals prepped for the week. This means I have fruit and veggies all washed, chopped, and placed in stackable tupperware all neat and organized. This way everything is ready to throw together with different meals. Saves me a TON of time at dinner. 

Seriously, don't you love looking at something when it's all organized?? Or is it just me? Sometimes I'll just open the fridge just to admire the neatness. 


You don't do this? 

Hmmm, okay. Moving on. 

I like to pre-mix all the dry ingredients of this gluten free pizza crust. Also, I usually BBQ a whole bunch of chicken to have ready to add to different recipes during the week. My favorite is BBQ chicken pizza. YUM! 
And like I said, if you take the time to prep all the veggies then this meal is very quick to assemble. 

I also like to have these green smoothie bags all ready to throw into the Vitamix. Really saves me a lot of time, plus, I don't have to worry about my spinach going bad. My favorite smoothie recipe is, spinach of course, strawberries, a banana, a little splash of vanilla extract, one lemon slice (with the peel, is SO good for you), some ground flaxseed, cinnamon, and homemade unsweetened kefir. I'll show you how to make kefir someday. I love that my kids are getting all their probiotics. They won't drink my Kombucha.

"I saved the baby food containers, & I prepped both (mine & Ronin's) "chocolate milks" = Isagenix protein shakes on Sun.
The night before I prep the shaker, water, "choc milk" & clothes - in the morning... we are out the door!!
-Aimee O'Conner


"Don't waste tiny pockets of time.  When I pump gas, I clean out the car.  When I am waiting for kids to get in the car from soccer practice, I get some business calls in or something to that effect.  There are many, many pockets of time each day that go wasted.  I think about what little things I need to get done in the morning and write them on a card that I throw in my pocket or purse.  Then when a pocket of time comes up, I pull the card out and get stuff done!!"

 "Workout over your lunch hour or with your kids. My office building has a full gym. It is so easy to work through lunch, but working out during my lunch gives me a boost of energy and reassurance that I can get my workout done. When I have a busy day or on the weekends, I get active with my kids. When they are playing soccer, I play with them. When they are riding their bike, I ride with them. When we go swimming, I swim with them. "


Must wake up early! This one has been a hard one to adapt, but once I finally got used to waking up a couple hours before the kids, my days go SO much better. It gives me time to do some personal study and prayer, exercise, then get ready for the day. 


I just LOVE lists and schedules. May be a tad obsessed😬. 
Anyway, making these charts has really helped everyone. Things go a lot smoother because now instead of CONSTANTLY telling them every little thing they need to do, ALL day long, now I just say, "go check your chart". There are rewards and consequences. Has made my life easier and now I don't feel like I'm always the mean drill Sargent. 


Do a play date swap with a couple neighborhood friends you know and trust. I have Brooklyn go to a friends house once or twice a week so I can run some errands (always easier with less children😜), then I'll put Owen down for a nap and work on a few household chores, and a little #isagenix fun (some call it work, but I think it's fun). Then I will take a turn and have Brooklyn's friends come play at my house for a while on a different day of the week. 


Having this craft caddie all ready to go has really been helpful when I'm busy making dinner or cleaning up. I just pull out some paper and set them up at the counter with the caddie and they are ready to get creative.

These bins are full of busy bag ideas I've created and found on Pinterest. 


Set your timer. It's easy to get carried away working on a project, then before you know it, the baby is awake or the kids are home from school and your window of "to do list" time is over. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I also like to use a 20 minute list on some days. I just write down all the things I need, want, and SHOULD do, then set my timer and work down the list, giving myself 20 minutes for each task. This method helps my brain I guess you could say. I know I SHOULD be playing with my kids, but then I see messes everywhere and I can't seem to focus on playing. This way, the list is telling my brain, "don't worry, you can get to that in 20 minutes, focus on your kids at this moment". Am I just crazy? Or can anyone relate?

"Have a weekly/daily cleaning task list to break up household chores throughout the week so that it's not all packed into one day."
-Julie Danielson 

"We have designated weeknights of the same dinner during the school year - every Monday is crockpot chili, Wednesday pasta, and Friday pizza. Oh, and Thursdays are leftovers. I meal plan (or intend to) every Saturday or Sunday before I grocery shop (yes I created a"form" with each dinner's entree, side and salad). I also use the help of apps for organizing whenever possible. So a future tip: we all have phones since I work full time. We use the cozi app for our daily family calendar. I can add each child's activities, and they can select their own name and see what their schedule is. It also has a grocery list and anyone in our family can add to it. It's awesome!"
-Sally Tantilla 


I like to pick out my outfits too☺️. It's not just for the kids. 

I found these cute printouts on Pinterest. Isn't it great!!!


This is a great way to stay consistent with having the kids take vitamins. They think it's fun too. I just set them out for them at breakfast time. 


"Multi-purpose your purchases. Instead of towels for each bathroom and towels for the pool, we consolidated and got these awesome towels for all purposes. They are super absorbent, never stink, and you can was 15-20 in 1 load! Most everything in our home can be used for a variety of things, so we have much less clutter and we don't spend time looking for a single use product."
-Abbey Karel


"Find out what you like and put it on your schedule of auto-shipment! We save time AND money by having the bulk of our shopping done automatically!  This means, no waste and more family time. 
Our essentials auto-shipped from Amazon
Our fresh, healthy and easy-to-make dinners from Hello Fresh and Blue Apron. We used to have all of our fresh groceries delivered by Peapod, but it is no longer available in our area. You can just re-select your basics and they are delivered to your front door. No wasted groceries and perfectly picked produce, meats, and all other groceries are delivered right to your kitchen.
Our breakfast shakes are auto-shipped from Isagenix.
My favorite skincare is auto shipped from Rodan + Fields.
My clothes are on auto-ship from Stitch Fix (there are companies that have this for men, children and athletic-wear, too)!"
-Abbey Karel (Ask her about her skincare)


I just LOVE Amazon. I save myself HOURS by shopping online instead of driving all across town searching for different items I need. I'm sure most of you are aware of Amazon prime (free shipping) by now. It's pretty awesome. 
Throw back to 4 years ago when I did a presentation on BALANCING life as a mom. 

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