I remember as a little girl I would dream of having lots of money and imagine all the things I would buy if I was a millionaire. I had big dreams as most children do. I was going to become a famous actress and have all the money in the world.
As we grow up, little by little our dreams become just that... dreams. Reality sets in, and you realize it's a whole lot harder than you thought to be and do the things you REALLY want. After graduating high school I got my first taste of independence. I started to realize there was NO TIME for creativity, with working all day just to make enough money to pay my rent, car payment, gas, food, ect. I remember thinking,
this can't be what life is all about. There's got to be a way I can make lots of money and work less so I could have the TIME to explore my creativity and find out what I'm good at. Well guess what? I did find a way, and my dreams HAVE come true. My husband and I are actually MILLIONAIRES. Seriously, I feel weird saying it, but we really are considered "millionaires". We made our first million about 2 years ago, and have now made 3 million dollars. I don't tell you this to brag and say,
yah look at us, we're so amazing and have lots of money. I'm sharing this with you because what we do and what we DID is something anyone can do. My husband and I both don't have any college education, we're just average people who found a great opportunity. I grew up extremely poor, and to be on the complete opposite end financially just seems too good to be true. We have no debt, money in the bank, and a huge retirement waiting for us. It's such an incredible feeling to be financially free. I was once
buried in debt and it was an awful CONSTANT feeling of stress.
Yes, we ARE network marketers. I understand the stigma that comes with the word "network marketing" or "multi level marketing". Most people have dabbled in it in some way or another, and because they either lost money or didn't see success, they've developed a negative opinion towards the idea. You steer clear of anyone involved in it, avoid their phone calls, and probably even run when you see them coming. Well, let me just tell you something. First of all, not all network marketing companies are created equal. If you've been involved in a network marketing company, and didn't see success, you shouldn't think they're ALL bad. Pyramid scams DO exist, but it's your job to do the research before jumping into something head first.
Because of the cynical judgement given to all mlm companies, I wanted to offer up my side of the story. I have an insatiable desire to be heard and understood, hence the reason I blog. I feel like blogging gives me a chance to explain why I do what I do, and say what I say. Everyone deserves a chance to be heard right :).
So anyway, back to my childhood dreams. Even though reality hit and I learned that life is a lot harder than I thought, it still didn't discourage me from really living my dreams. There was so much I wanted to do and learn, but working for the majority of the day didn't seem to be ideal for me. I wanted more out of life, and network marketing seemed to lead the way to achieving these things. I'm not saying that joining a network marketing company is your only way to make dreams happen, all I'm saying is that if you tried at something before, and failed, don't give up. Contrary to what most people say about mlm, success doesn't come easy, it's NOT a "get rich quick" business, it requires dedication, commitment, and should be treated like a real profession.
You have to ask yourself these questions.
- Is this something I'm EXTREMELY passionate about? Have I seen personal results with the product, do I have a story to share.
- Is this going to cost me a lot of money to get involved with? Can I afford it? (never go into debt when joining a company).
- Do I know the compensation plan? Is it lucrative?
- Do I have the TIME to devote to this, and am I WILLING to put forth the effort it requires? As a mom, I've seen success first hand by devoting just 10 hours a week.
When I first started up my blog, I made a
list of things I wanted to write about. One of them included,
"Business women- Success IS possible!" I don't think I'm so great and have ALL the answers, but I do think I have a lot to offer. I want to help you see success in your own business, what ever it may be.
Isagenix is the company I chose after considering all the questions above, but I understand that everyone is different, and you have to find what you're passionate about. My passion is health and weight loss.
We all know that money is tight these days, and I bet you've been considering going back to work, or trying to come up with a way you can contribute to the household income. Here's the first step, find what YOU are passionate about, ask yourself all the questions above, and get started. Forget about all the times you've failed in the past, keep your eye on the goal, pick yourself up and try again.
source: thank you google images |
There have been many things I've tried in the past, and have failed miserably, but we just have to realize that it's all part of being successful. We've got to keep moving forward towards our dreams. One of our greatest examples of someone who kept pushing through despite all his failures, was Abraham Lincoln. Born into poverty, he was faced with defeat most of his life. Here's his road to the White House.
- 1831 - Lost his job
- 1832 - Defeated in run for Illinois State Legislature
- 1833 - Failed in business
- 1834 - Elected to Illinois State Legislature (success)
- 1835 - Sweetheart died
- 1836 - Had nervous breakdown
- 1838 - Defeated in run for Illinois House Speaker
- 1843 - Defeated in run for nomination for U.S. Congress
- 1846 - Elected to Congress (success)
- 1848 - Lost re-nomination
- 1849 - Rejected for land officer position
- 1854 - Defeated in run for U.S. Senate
- 1856 - Defeated in run for nomination for Vice President
- 1858 - Again defeated in run for U.S. Senate
- 1860 - Elected President (success)
It's all about balance ladies. You CAN make this happen. You've just got to get your priorities straight, figure out what's most important to you, and
plan out your day. If you find that you're overwhelmed and don't have enough time in the day to do it all, then it's time to reevaluate. Figure out what you can do without. It may mean cutting out you're favorite shows on the DVR, or spending less time on the computer. What are you doing today, that will get you where you want to be?