
Write Down Your Prayers

  Writing down your prayers. I never thought of this before. I got the idea from a book I read a while ago.

  I thought this was brilliant! Not only does it get you to THINK more about your prayers, but it helps you remember what you prayed for and in turn will help you recognize when God ANSWERS your prayers. I've been guilty of praying for things, then just going about my day not noticing or even expecting my prayers to be answered. I've been trying harder to NOTICE the many miracles in my everyday. Trying to recognize every blessing and allow God to guide me in doing what HE wants me to do. 
  Affirmations can be considered prayers, but the only difference is with prayers, we are giving God the glory and taking away any assumption that we did it ourselves. Everything good comes from God, even our abilities to overcome and accomplish great things. He's with us every step of the way. 


Kat said...

Great idea!

Crystal Escobar said...

It's been a great thing for me. Often times I felt many prayers go unanswered. But this has helped me so how much he really is listening!

Scha&Andi said...

yes i love this idea!

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